BlueNIGHTs | A touch of Blue in the EU Research Nights for a more Sustainable Use of the Ocean

The main objective of the proposal is to bring the many facets and faces of people working in ocean science & research to the
general public of Europe by organising a series of interconnected EU Blue Researchers Nights (BlueNIGHTs) to demonstrate that the
ocean can be a source of inspiration, an object of interest/study, and a field of investigation for people with very different
backgrounds, hobbies and passions, including science, history, technology, sociology, pedagogy, economics, art, design, etc.
By doing so, this collective project will:
- Bring people to key objectives, principles and priorities of the European Green Deal that relate to the ocean: delivering a healthy
and resilient ocean that can support sustainable Blue Growth and respond to Societal Priorities of Europe.
- Contribute to make European citizens Ocean Literate in line with the objectives and priorities of EU4Ocean Coalition, an initiative
supported by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE).
The project will build on the following principles:
- Collective and truly European - mobilising organisations from each EU RSAs to prepare activities and events for presenting their
own research/scientific activities.
- Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary/transdisciplinary - the partner organisations from different EU MS will represent a diversity of
disciplinary fields and research skills/experiences that are focusing on the ocean, and on the complex connections between human
activities and ocean ecosystems.
- Immersive, inclusive and interconnected - by combining: (a) an interactive and practical experiences on the spot (in each of the
partners location) building on doing, touching, gaming, trying, exploring; (b) an interactive virtual experience, by way of an
innovative virtual reality technology, that will allow the public to explore both the ocean and researchers activities by simulating real
life working conditons.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources:
Start date: 01-03-2022
End date: 29-02-2024
Total budget - Public funding: - 622 835,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The main objective of the proposal is to bring the many facets and faces of people working in ocean science & research to the
general public of Europe by organising a series of interconnected EU Blue Researchers Nights (BlueNIGHTs) to demonstrate that the
ocean can be a source of inspiration, an object of interest/study, and a field of investigation for people with very different
backgrounds, hobbies and passions, including science, history, technology, sociology, pedagogy, economics, art, design, etc.
By doing so, this collective project will:
- Bring people to key objectives, principles and priorities of the European Green Deal that relate to the ocean: delivering a healthy
and resilient ocean that can support sustainable Blue Growth and respond to Societal Priorities of Europe.
- Contribute to make European citizens Ocean Literate in line with the objectives and priorities of EU4Ocean Coalition, an initiative
supported by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE).
The project will build on the following principles:
- Collective and truly European - mobilising organisations from each EU RSAs to prepare activities and events for presenting their
own research/scientific activities.
- Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary/transdisciplinary - the partner organisations from different EU MS will represent a diversity of
disciplinary fields and research skills/experiences that are focusing on the ocean, and on the complex connections between human
activities and ocean ecosystems.
- Immersive, inclusive and interconnected - by combining: (a) an interactive and practical experiences on the spot (in each of the
partners location) building on doing, touching, gaming, trying, exploring; (b) an interactive virtual experience, by way of an
innovative virtual reality technology, that will allow the public to explore both the ocean and researchers activities by simulating real
life working conditons.



Call topic


Update Date

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Geographical location(s)
Structured mapping
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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.1 Excellent Science
HORIZON.1.2 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
HORIZON.1.2.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-MSCA-2022-CITIZENS-01-01 European Researchers' Night 2022-2023