FEMIber | Digitizing Women of Medieval Iberian Historiography

"The interdisciplinary project “Digitizing Women of Medieval Iberian Historiography” (=FEMIber) aims to explore gender in the Iberian Middle Ages in ways that embrace emerging technologies while fostering long-lasting ties with the society and the cultural heritage in general. The project aims to study female representations in the ""Crónica de Castilla"" (Castile-León) and the Portuguese ""Livro de Linhagens"" via methods of Digital Humanities. The fellowship will take place at the Department of Humanities, the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) under the supervision of Prof. María Morrás. During the 24 months, a digital prosopographical database of the represented women will be generated (= objective 1), and then the subsets of data will be visualized to explore patterns, (dis)continuities and tendencies of the employed elements for sociopolitical and familial order in the two kingdoms through the lens of gender (= objective 2). When it comes to trans-sectoral training and mobility, after completing an online specialization in curatorial practices, a 6-month placement will be carried out at the company DIGIBÍS (Madrid), the Spanish heritage-digitization pioneer. During the placement, under the supervision by Xavier Agenjo, trainings in patrimony digitization will take place in order to gain new skills and explore the project’s potential in the digital Cultural Heritage field. This experience, together with the specialization in curatorial practices and the museum exposition, form part of the objective 3, dedicated to promote and advance the project´s links to the GLAM-sector, as well as facilitate public engagement and its use beyond the academia.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101064789
Start date: 01-03-2023
End date: 31-08-2025
Total budget - Public funding: - 206 641,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

"The interdisciplinary project “Digitizing Women of Medieval Iberian Historiography” (=FEMIber) aims to explore gender in the Iberian Middle Ages in ways that embrace emerging technologies while fostering long-lasting ties with the society and the cultural heritage in general. The project aims to study female representations in the ""Crónica de Castilla"" (Castile-León) and the Portuguese ""Livro de Linhagens"" via methods of Digital Humanities. The fellowship will take place at the Department of Humanities, the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) under the supervision of Prof. María Morrás. During the 24 months, a digital prosopographical database of the represented women will be generated (= objective 1), and then the subsets of data will be visualized to explore patterns, (dis)continuities and tendencies of the employed elements for sociopolitical and familial order in the two kingdoms through the lens of gender (= objective 2). When it comes to trans-sectoral training and mobility, after completing an online specialization in curatorial practices, a 6-month placement will be carried out at the company DIGIBÍS (Madrid), the Spanish heritage-digitization pioneer. During the placement, under the supervision by Xavier Agenjo, trainings in patrimony digitization will take place in order to gain new skills and explore the project’s potential in the digital Cultural Heritage field. This experience, together with the specialization in curatorial practices and the museum exposition, form part of the objective 3, dedicated to promote and advance the project´s links to the GLAM-sector, as well as facilitate public engagement and its use beyond the academia.



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