exploREsearch | Explore Research from East to West in Austria

"One of three key focuses of the European Researchers' Nights “exploREsearch” in Austria will be to enhance the understanding and promote current research in the fields of climate and sustainability with a focus on the European Green Deal. The second key focus is citizen science, which is an efficient way to democratise science and to bring the public and science closer together for enhancing both public knowledge as well as understanding of science. Moreover, in order to open up new perspectives of seeing the world, it is more than necessary to understand arts and show the diversity of research in this area. In this context, the third focus of the European Researchers' Night events ""exploREsearch"" will be Arts & Research. Besides, we will also emphasize on the Horizon Europe Missions. For the first time in Austria, the ERNs will be organised in several major cities (Vienna, Salzburg and Innsbruck) at the same time covering Austria from East to West and enabling about a fourth of the Austrian population to directly participate at the events. The events will, on the one hand incorporate on-site formats such as Scientific Booths and Workshops, Science Talks, Science Cafes, Science Slams, the EU-Corner as well as several Social Activities to bring public and science closer together. On the other hand, virtual formats will integrate lectures and workshops as well as a live stream from the on-site stage program for online visitors. Furthermore, the project incorporates a large number of pre-events of which several are dedicated to Researchers at Schools activities. Support for the event and its promotion was stated by Austrian ministries (including also financial support), other public stakeholders, funding agencies and initiatives. The project ""exploREsearch"" integrates 7 partners with different competences, backgrounds and public outreach, therefore being able to implement successful European Researchers' Nights in Austria in 2022 and 2023."
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101061558
Start date: 01-02-2022
End date: 31-12-2023
Total budget - Public funding: - 253 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

"One of three key focuses of the European Researchers' Nights “exploREsearch” in Austria will be to enhance the understanding and promote current research in the fields of climate and sustainability with a focus on the European Green Deal. The second key focus is citizen science, which is an efficient way to democratise science and to bring the public and science closer together for enhancing both public knowledge as well as understanding of science. Moreover, in order to open up new perspectives of seeing the world, it is more than necessary to understand arts and show the diversity of research in this area. In this context, the third focus of the European Researchers' Night events ""exploREsearch"" will be Arts & Research. Besides, we will also emphasize on the Horizon Europe Missions. For the first time in Austria, the ERNs will be organised in several major cities (Vienna, Salzburg and Innsbruck) at the same time covering Austria from East to West and enabling about a fourth of the Austrian population to directly participate at the events. The events will, on the one hand incorporate on-site formats such as Scientific Booths and Workshops, Science Talks, Science Cafes, Science Slams, the EU-Corner as well as several Social Activities to bring public and science closer together. On the other hand, virtual formats will integrate lectures and workshops as well as a live stream from the on-site stage program for online visitors. Furthermore, the project incorporates a large number of pre-events of which several are dedicated to Researchers at Schools activities. Support for the event and its promotion was stated by Austrian ministries (including also financial support), other public stakeholders, funding agencies and initiatives. The project ""exploREsearch"" integrates 7 partners with different competences, backgrounds and public outreach, therefore being able to implement successful European Researchers' Nights in Austria in 2022 and 2023."



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.1 Excellent Science
HORIZON.1.2 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
HORIZON.1.2.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-MSCA-2022-CITIZENS-01-01 European Researchers' Night 2022-2023