e-IRGSP7 | e-Infrastructure Reflection Group Support Programme 7

e-IRGSP7 will provide the core support services to the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG). The project will support e-IRG in providing advice on policy-making towards inclusive, federated, user-driven and resilient e-Infrastructures and their related services. The main activities include the operation of the e-IRG secretariat, i.e. organisation of e-IRG events and provision of secretarial support to e-IRG, its Chair and Executive Board and the provision of policy support towards the development and publishing of policy papers and recommendations on the e-Infrastructure spectrum, as well as the support to related e-IRG working groups and task forces, which are also vital for e-IRG. The e-IRG analytical capacity for its policy documents will be strengthened with external experts, both from the e-IRG delegates and their countries, and from well-known experts in the filed who are invited as speakers in the e-IRG workshops. The communication and outreach activities, include the dissemination of the outputs of e-IRG throughout the European Research Area (ERA), the external and internal e-IRG web presence and maintenance of the social media outlets. Liaison activities are also planned with targeted stakeholders, such as ESFRI related ones, to jointly underpin the interworking of e-Infrastructures with the thematic infrastructures. Through these supporting activities by e-IRGSP7 and in its capacities, e-IRG will contribute to the implementation of EOSC, including better coordination among national entities (e.g., NRENs, national computing/clouds infrastructures) and to a more inclusive e-Infrastructure ecosystem. The consortium is very experienced and well-connected in the field through long involvement in previous e-IRG support projects and other EOSC key projects and can contribute towards better e-Infrastructure coordination and the digital transformation in the ERA. A new partner (TU-Wien) is also joining bringing experience from the EOSC Secretariat.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101057802
Start date: 01-04-2022
End date: 31-12-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 302 260,00 Euro - 302 259,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

e-IRGSP7 will provide the core support services to the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG). The project will support e-IRG in providing advice on policy-making towards inclusive, federated, user-driven and resilient e-Infrastructures and their related services. The main activities include the operation of the e-IRG secretariat, i.e. organisation of e-IRG events and provision of secretarial support to e-IRG, its Chair and Executive Board and the provision of policy support towards the development and publishing of policy papers and recommendations on the e-Infrastructure spectrum, as well as the support to related e-IRG working groups and task forces, which are also vital for e-IRG. The e-IRG analytical capacity for its policy documents will be strengthened with external experts, both from the e-IRG delegates and their countries, and from well-known experts in the filed who are invited as speakers in the e-IRG workshops. The communication and outreach activities, include the dissemination of the outputs of e-IRG throughout the European Research Area (ERA), the external and internal e-IRG web presence and maintenance of the social media outlets. Liaison activities are also planned with targeted stakeholders, such as ESFRI related ones, to jointly underpin the interworking of e-Infrastructures with the thematic infrastructures. Through these supporting activities by e-IRGSP7 and in its capacities, e-IRG will contribute to the implementation of EOSC, including better coordination among national entities (e.g., NRENs, national computing/clouds infrastructures) and to a more inclusive e-Infrastructure ecosystem. The consortium is very experienced and well-connected in the field through long involvement in previous e-IRG support projects and other EOSC key projects and can contribute towards better e-Infrastructure coordination and the digital transformation in the ERA. A new partner (TU-Wien) is also joining bringing experience from the EOSC Secretariat.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.1 Excellent Science
HORIZON.1.3 Research infrastructures
HORIZON.1.3.1 Consolidating and Developing the Landscape of European Research Infrastructures
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-01-05 Support to the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG)
HORIZON.1.3.4 Reinforcing European Research Infrastructure policy and International Cooperation
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-01-05 Support to the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG)