ANEMEL | ANion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis from Low-grade water sources

ANEMEL aims at the development of an anion exchange membrane electrolyzer that operates using low-grade water sources such as saline and wastewater, to produce green hydrogen using renewable sources. The project will achieve this objective by focusing on the preparation of selective and efficient membrane electrode assemblies using non-critical raw materials as electrocatalysts and membranes. The expertise of the consortium in oxygen and hydrogen evolving electrocatalysts, membrane preparation, reactor
engineering and reactor modelling will ensure the delivery of an AEM device capable to operate at low overpotentials, without major water pre-treatment and at a current density above 1 A cm-2. The technical work will be compemented with an ecodesign process supported by an environmental and socio-economic analysis to guide the development of a low impact and circular designed AEM device maximising socio-economic benefits. A techno-economic and exploitation plan to move from laboratory scale single-cell to a multi-stack electrolyser will be studied to ensure a fast-track to commercialisation.
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Start date: 01-09-2022
End date: 31-08-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 2 960 236,25 Euro - 2 960 236,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

ANEMEL aims at the development of an anion exchange membrane electrolyzer that operates using low-grade water sources such as saline and wastewater, to produce green hydrogen using renewable sources. The project will achieve this objective by focusing on the preparation of selective and efficient membrane electrode assemblies using non-critical raw materials as electrocatalysts and membranes. The expertise of the consortium in oxygen and hydrogen evolving electrocatalysts, membrane preparation, reactor
engineering and reactor modelling will ensure the delivery of an AEM device capable to operate at low overpotentials, without major water pre-treatment and at a current density above 1 A cm-2. The technical work will be compemented with an ecodesign process supported by an environmental and socio-economic analysis to guide the development of a low impact and circular designed AEM device maximising socio-economic benefits. A techno-economic and exploitation plan to move from laboratory scale single-cell to a multi-stack electrolyser will be studied to ensure a fast-track to commercialisation.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.3 Innovative Europe
HORIZON.3.1 The European Innovation Council (EIC)
HORIZON.3.1.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01-04 Novel routes to green hydrogen production
HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01-04 Novel routes to green hydrogen production