Nyris | Transforming industrial part replacement and after sales through visual search and synthetic images

Industrial manufacturers and their customers need to identify and retrieve spare parts quickly and efficiently. Our visual search engine allows any spare part to be found in manufacturers’ catalogues by simply taking or sharing an image of it. It has proven to be by far the most accurate tool compared with several large competitors. Most importantly, we can overcome the key hurdle to visual searches for industrial applications: the availability of images for AI network training. Large manufacturers struggle to undertake the time-consuming and expensive effort of producing these images for all spare parts and machines through manual photography. We are the only company in the market who can produce synthetic images from CAD data, which outperform real data in training and search accuracy. Moreover, we can onboard customers in a matter of minutes. At Nyris, we give search the power of sight.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/190121231
Start date: 01-09-2021
End date: 31-08-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 3 098 125,00 Euro - 2 168 687,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Industrial manufacturers and their customers need to identify and retrieve spare parts quickly and efficiently. Our visual search engine allows any spare part to be found in manufacturers’ catalogues by simply taking or sharing an image of it. It has proven to be by far the most accurate tool compared with several large competitors. Most importantly, we can overcome the key hurdle to visual searches for industrial applications: the availability of images for AI network training. Large manufacturers struggle to undertake the time-consuming and expensive effort of producing these images for all spare parts and machines through manual photography. We are the only company in the market who can produce synthetic images from CAD data, which outperform real data in training and search accuracy. Moreover, we can onboard customers in a matter of minutes. At Nyris, we give search the power of sight.



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