GREENPIX | First miniaturized universal gas analyzer for all renewable gases in all their extensive and complex composition at all production and consumption phases including Hydrogen purity for fuel cells

Gas chromatographs are powerful sophisticated pieces of equipment but today they are expensive, complex and most of the time are operated in laboratories or expensive shelters.
APIX Analytics is willing to revolutionize the gas chromatography market. APIX has the ambition to develop a new generation of gas chromatograph that provides end users with the performance of an analysis laboratory in an embedded portable system.

The underlying breakthrough is the invention of a universal detector based on a Nano Electromechanical System (NEMS) called the NGD* (Nano Gravimetric Detector) developed by Apix during the last 8 years (25 patents protect it).

The objective of the GREENPIX project is to develop, industrialize and commercialize an ultra-fast and ultra-sensitive gas micro-chromatograph capable of analysing any renewable gas within the same system. To do so, there is today no unique and universal solution.
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Start date: 01-02-2022
End date: 31-07-2024
Total budget - Public funding: 3 705 500,00 Euro - 2 500 000,00 Euro
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Gas chromatographs are powerful sophisticated pieces of equipment but today they are expensive, complex and most of the time are operated in laboratories or expensive shelters.
APIX Analytics is willing to revolutionize the gas chromatography market. APIX has the ambition to develop a new generation of gas chromatograph that provides end users with the performance of an analysis laboratory in an embedded portable system.

The underlying breakthrough is the invention of a universal detector based on a Nano Electromechanical System (NEMS) called the NGD* (Nano Gravimetric Detector) developed by Apix during the last 8 years (25 patents protect it).

The objective of the GREENPIX project is to develop, industrialize and commercialize an ultra-fast and ultra-sensitive gas micro-chromatograph capable of analysing any renewable gas within the same system. To do so, there is today no unique and universal solution.



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