P2P FINBIO | Peer to peer learning for financing of innovation in the food & bioeconomy

The European bioeconomy strategy has estimated that the bioeconomy in Europe has a total value of €2.3 trillion, accounts for 8.2% of the EU's workforce, and is a central element to the functioning and success of the EU economy. The aim of P2P FINBIO is to enable innovation support institutions and clusters in regions across Europe to quickly and effectively develop new initiatives as well as refine current methodologies to identify SMEs in the bioconomy with growth potential, to engage with them and assist them through the process of obtaining access to finance, as a means of maintaining or increasing competitiveness, growth and jobs.

The consortium consists of innovation support organisations working within the entire bioeconomy value chain, who recognise the need to learn from each other, to improve the process of assisting SMEs, start-ups and spin-outs with access to finance. The five partners will share the current support services and methods offered to SMEs and will exchange good practices in order to renovate insights and develop a common Design Options Paper. The Design Option Paper will be the result of the peer-review process and will serve as a guide for other innovation agencies interested in implementing the addressed innovation support service. For the best use of the results of the project the goal is set on the possibility to reach as many innovation agencies as possible with the support of the European Association of Regional Development Agencies, EURADA, the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), as well as clusters working with Bio-based Industries (BBI)
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/967555
Start date: 01-09-2021
End date: 31-08-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 50 000,00 Euro - 50 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The European bioeconomy strategy has estimated that the bioeconomy in Europe has a total value of €2.3 trillion, accounts for 8.2% of the EU's workforce, and is a central element to the functioning and success of the EU economy. The aim of P2P FINBIO is to enable innovation support institutions and clusters in regions across Europe to quickly and effectively develop new initiatives as well as refine current methodologies to identify SMEs in the bioconomy with growth potential, to engage with them and assist them through the process of obtaining access to finance, as a means of maintaining or increasing competitiveness, growth and jobs.

The consortium consists of innovation support organisations working within the entire bioeconomy value chain, who recognise the need to learn from each other, to improve the process of assisting SMEs, start-ups and spin-outs with access to finance. The five partners will share the current support services and methods offered to SMEs and will exchange good practices in order to renovate insights and develop a common Design Options Paper. The Design Option Paper will be the result of the peer-review process and will serve as a guide for other innovation agencies interested in implementing the addressed innovation support service. For the best use of the results of the project the goal is set on the possibility to reach as many innovation agencies as possible with the support of the European Association of Regional Development Agencies, EURADA, the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), as well as clusters working with Bio-based Industries (BBI)



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.3. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs
H2020-EU.2.3.2. Specific support
H2020-EU. Enhancing the innovation capacity of SMEs
INNOSUP-05-2018-2020 Peer learning of innovation agencies