FUROID | Up-scaled continuous production of artificial hair, fur and wool follicules using FUROID and HAROID technology

The mission of FUROID is to enable animal-free production of hair (humans), fur (endangered animals) or wool (sheep). The key innovation is the development of continuous and scalable technology, enabling the end of using living animals as a source of fur and wool and dominating the market by 2030. Specifically, we will focus on the development of engineered living fur (ELF), The mission of FUROID is to enable animal-free production of hair (humans), fur (endangered animals) or wool (sheep). The key innovation is the development of continuous and scalable technology, enabling the end of using living animals as a source of fur and wool and dominating the market by 2030. The fundamental innovation will be reached by using a combination of nanostructured scaffolds (RESPILON), hair/wool/fur organoids (GENEUS), and automated biofabrication technologies (BIOFABICS).

The ambition of the project is to make significant steps to development of HLM products will deliver set of unprecedent properties:
• Animal free-production of fur (ELF) and wool (ELW) without environmental, biodiversity and ethical concerns.
• Gene-encoded traceability system endangered species unnoticed, uncontrolled and unpunished endangered species poaching.
• Novel vacuum-assisted 3D printing technology overcoming speed of SoA 3D bioprinters
• Continuous manufacturing using an automated production system
• DBTL platform for rational design and product optimization.
• Living human hair follicles (ELH) for transplantation and treatment alopecia as medical and psychological problem.
• Fur and wool textiles for apparel industry in rolls without size limitation delivering unprecedent properties.
• Improved properties of engineered fur/wool textiles due to nanofiber membranes with regulated water permeability.

The project will strengthen the portfolio of ELMs by developing scalable and generalizable technology for forming textured materials in roll-to-roll process from mammalian cells.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101071175
Start date: 01-11-2022
End date: 31-10-2027
Total budget - Public funding: 4 043 375,00 Euro - 4 043 375,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The mission of FUROID is to enable animal-free production of hair (humans), fur (endangered animals) or wool (sheep). The key innovation is the development of continuous and scalable technology, enabling the end of using living animals as a source of fur and wool and dominating the market by 2030. Specifically, we will focus on the development of engineered living fur (ELF), The mission of FUROID is to enable animal-free production of hair (humans), fur (endangered animals) or wool (sheep). The key innovation is the development of continuous and scalable technology, enabling the end of using living animals as a source of fur and wool and dominating the market by 2030. The fundamental innovation will be reached by using a combination of nanostructured scaffolds (RESPILON), hair/wool/fur organoids (GENEUS), and automated biofabrication technologies (BIOFABICS).

The ambition of the project is to make significant steps to development of HLM products will deliver set of unprecedent properties:
• Animal free-production of fur (ELF) and wool (ELW) without environmental, biodiversity and ethical concerns.
• Gene-encoded traceability system endangered species unnoticed, uncontrolled and unpunished endangered species poaching.
• Novel vacuum-assisted 3D printing technology overcoming speed of SoA 3D bioprinters
• Continuous manufacturing using an automated production system
• DBTL platform for rational design and product optimization.
• Living human hair follicles (ELH) for transplantation and treatment alopecia as medical and psychological problem.
• Fur and wool textiles for apparel industry in rolls without size limitation delivering unprecedent properties.
• Improved properties of engineered fur/wool textiles due to nanofiber membranes with regulated water permeability.

The project will strengthen the portfolio of ELMs by developing scalable and generalizable technology for forming textured materials in roll-to-roll process from mammalian cells.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.3 Innovative Europe
HORIZON.3.1 The European Innovation Council (EIC)
HORIZON.3.1.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01-05 Engineered Living Materials
HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01-05 Engineered Living Materials