The overall objective of the I AM GREEN project is to co-design a widespread incubator and start-up academy model addressed to support entrepreneurs in all steps to take from the business idea design to market penetration, passing through a tailor-made training and incubation path that gives special attention to sustainable development and ways to “greening” the business.
The project aims to contribute to the qualitative improvement of services offered to start-ups thanks to an integrated approach that guides entrepreneurs along all steps of the entrepreneurial path with a special focus on training and financial needs. The designed incubation model will be a virtual and physical space where Innovation & Development Agencies, Research & Training Centres and Start-up Incubators work together to assist the entrepreneur with a 360-degree approach. The idea is to develop an incubation model where start-ups are incubated in a well-settled company that introduce them in the market. The rationale of incubation is the sharing of the same value chain and/or the possibility to create synergies such as industrial symbiosis projects.
The general objective is to offer a more fertile environment for new business ideas birth and growth as well as creating new business opportunities leveraging on potentialities to greening processes, supporting their development at EU level acting as a real driver for innovation and sustainable growth for Europe. This will be done by improving the support that is available to them, functioning as a think-tank that identifies needs and prepares new directions within start-up creation support as well as available training and consulting services.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/959548
Start date: 01-02-2021
End date: 31-01-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 50 000,00 Euro - 50 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The overall objective of the I AM GREEN project is to co-design a widespread incubator and start-up academy model addressed to support entrepreneurs in all steps to take from the business idea design to market penetration, passing through a tailor-made training and incubation path that gives special attention to sustainable development and ways to “greening” the business.
The project aims to contribute to the qualitative improvement of services offered to start-ups thanks to an integrated approach that guides entrepreneurs along all steps of the entrepreneurial path with a special focus on training and financial needs. The designed incubation model will be a virtual and physical space where Innovation & Development Agencies, Research & Training Centres and Start-up Incubators work together to assist the entrepreneur with a 360-degree approach. The idea is to develop an incubation model where start-ups are incubated in a well-settled company that introduce them in the market. The rationale of incubation is the sharing of the same value chain and/or the possibility to create synergies such as industrial symbiosis projects.
The general objective is to offer a more fertile environment for new business ideas birth and growth as well as creating new business opportunities leveraging on potentialities to greening processes, supporting their development at EU level acting as a real driver for innovation and sustainable growth for Europe. This will be done by improving the support that is available to them, functioning as a think-tank that identifies needs and prepares new directions within start-up creation support as well as available training and consulting services.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.3. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs
H2020-EU.2.3.2. Specific support
H2020-EU. Enhancing the innovation capacity of SMEs
INNOSUP-05-2018-2020 Peer learning of innovation agencies