SolarHub | A Greek-Turkish Solar Energy Excellence Hub to Advance the European Green Deal

SolarHub’s overall objective is to strengthen connections between and scale-up 5 Greek and Turkish solar energy innovation ecosystems as a single, hybrid, cross-border, and interconnected Solar Energy Excellence Hub with an emphasis on agriculture applications.

SolarHub's 4 Specific Objectives (SOs) are explicitly framed by the call's 5 Core Components and target the call's Expected Outcomes and the destinations Expected Impacts. These SOs are to:
1. Co-develop a Hub Strategy and a Joint Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda
2. Execute a diverse set of complementary interventions, engaging all players of the quadruple helix to support R&I and accelerate commercialization
3. Implement joint R&I activities to co-develop 4 pre-designs of diverse solar energy solutions
4. Maximize the project’s impacts through Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication activities carefully tuned to actively engage all players of the quadruple helix

To achieve these objectives, a diverse and complementary set of measures are proposed that include
1. Creation of relevant R& I strategies & policies
2. Networking between SolarHub & stakeholders
3. Multi-level engagement & training
4. Combination of R&I infrastructures for synergies
5. Creation of targeted joint programmes and linkages between the 2 countries based on sound technological solutions
6. Communicating the above to all major stakeholders in the targeted regions
7. Exploiting the positive results from all the above to setup a sustainable collaborative initiative after the end of the project.

SolarHub's consortium contains 21 partners (7 Academic, 9 Business, 3 Public Authorities, and 2 Societal Actors) that are well-balanced between Academia and Business, and fully completes the quadruple helix. SolarHub is a 4 year project with 5 carefully designed Work Packages that efficiently exploit the consortium's diverse knowledge and expertise to develop Green solutions to today's Societal Challenges.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources:
Start date: 01-01-2023
End date: 31-12-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 4 846 397,50 Euro - 4 846 397,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

SolarHub’s overall objective is to strengthen connections between and scale-up 5 Greek and Turkish solar energy innovation ecosystems as a single, hybrid, cross-border, and interconnected Solar Energy Excellence Hub with an emphasis on agriculture applications.

SolarHub's 4 Specific Objectives (SOs) are explicitly framed by the call's 5 Core Components and target the call's Expected Outcomes and the destinations Expected Impacts. These SOs are to:
1. Co-develop a Hub Strategy and a Joint Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda
2. Execute a diverse set of complementary interventions, engaging all players of the quadruple helix to support R&I and accelerate commercialization
3. Implement joint R&I activities to co-develop 4 pre-designs of diverse solar energy solutions
4. Maximize the project’s impacts through Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication activities carefully tuned to actively engage all players of the quadruple helix

To achieve these objectives, a diverse and complementary set of measures are proposed that include
1. Creation of relevant R& I strategies & policies
2. Networking between SolarHub & stakeholders
3. Multi-level engagement & training
4. Combination of R&I infrastructures for synergies
5. Creation of targeted joint programmes and linkages between the 2 countries based on sound technological solutions
6. Communicating the above to all major stakeholders in the targeted regions
7. Exploiting the positive results from all the above to setup a sustainable collaborative initiative after the end of the project.

SolarHub's consortium contains 21 partners (7 Academic, 9 Business, 3 Public Authorities, and 2 Societal Actors) that are well-balanced between Academia and Business, and fully completes the quadruple helix. SolarHub is a 4 year project with 5 carefully designed Work Packages that efficiently exploit the consortium's diverse knowledge and expertise to develop Green solutions to today's Societal Challenges.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.4 Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area
HORIZON.4.1 Widening participation and spreading excellence
HORIZON.4.1.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ACCESS-04-01 Excellence Hubs