DisAI | Improving scientific excellence and creativity in combating disinformation with artificial intelligence and language technologies

The aim of the DisAI project is to enhance the scientific excellence of KInIT and the consortium partners in trustworthy AI and multimodal natural language processing and multilingual language technologies to combat disinformation. Disinformation spreading threatens European democratic values and tackling it is a European level priority. As the amount of disinformation grows, AI and in particular language technologies have a crucial role in detecting disinformation. To meet the European goals, it is increasingly important to develop tools and methods for disinformation combating also for low resource languages.
KInIT, the widening partner from Slovakia, has taken a leadership role in shaping the R&I landscape of Slovakia by boosting cross-sectorial, interdisciplinary, and international collaboration. The ambition of KInIT is to strengthen AI to combat disinformation, an area that especially in Slovak digital space contributes to the development of AI technologies and tools for low resource languages and growing awareness of online disinformation.
To achieve scientific excellence of KInIT, the activities of the project aim to increase the research capacity and excellence of scientists at different career levels in multilingual and multimodal language technologies and trustworthy AI. Together with leading partners German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas and Copenhagen University, a joint Research project on claim matching as well as networking and mobility activities will be organised. Importantly, transfer of know-how on innovation and creativity for facilitating industry-academia collaboration and boosting the skills of the research managers and administrative staff will be part of the capacity building programme.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101079164
Start date: 01-12-2022
End date: 30-11-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 1 499 750,00 Euro - 1 499 750,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The aim of the DisAI project is to enhance the scientific excellence of KInIT and the consortium partners in trustworthy AI and multimodal natural language processing and multilingual language technologies to combat disinformation. Disinformation spreading threatens European democratic values and tackling it is a European level priority. As the amount of disinformation grows, AI and in particular language technologies have a crucial role in detecting disinformation. To meet the European goals, it is increasingly important to develop tools and methods for disinformation combating also for low resource languages.
KInIT, the widening partner from Slovakia, has taken a leadership role in shaping the R&I landscape of Slovakia by boosting cross-sectorial, interdisciplinary, and international collaboration. The ambition of KInIT is to strengthen AI to combat disinformation, an area that especially in Slovak digital space contributes to the development of AI technologies and tools for low resource languages and growing awareness of online disinformation.
To achieve scientific excellence of KInIT, the activities of the project aim to increase the research capacity and excellence of scientists at different career levels in multilingual and multimodal language technologies and trustworthy AI. Together with leading partners German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas and Copenhagen University, a joint Research project on claim matching as well as networking and mobility activities will be organised. Importantly, transfer of know-how on innovation and creativity for facilitating industry-academia collaboration and boosting the skills of the research managers and administrative staff will be part of the capacity building programme.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.4 Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area
HORIZON.4.1 Widening participation and spreading excellence
HORIZON.4.1.2 Twinning
HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03-01 Twinning