EUVIP | The EU in the volatile Indo-Pacific region

Through its concise training, research, communication, dissemination, and exploitation activities EUVIP will significantly contribute to shaping the new, rapidly developing academic field of Indo-Pacific Studies. The project will raise the awareness of the stakeholders (academia, civil society, politics, and broad public) of the strategic, political, and economic significance of the volatile Indo-Pacific region for Europe and for a values-based European approach towards this region. Together with its seven dissemination partners, the EUVIP consortium will create a sustainable European Indo-Pacific experts network and knowledge hub with strong dissemination channels to national and EU policymakers in order to strongly contribute to the EU’s Indo-Pacific strategy and policies. In addition, EUVIP will establish a Myanmar Centre at Palacky University in Olomouc (Czech Republic) to connect academia with politics and the civil society. EUVIP will build on UP's strong expertise on Southeast Asia and China’s Belt and Road Initiative, supplemented by the complementary expertise of three leading European research partners (University of Helsinki, University of Copenhagen, and Université Catholique de Louvain). To further improve UP’s excellence capacity and resources, the three expert partners will provide training to UP’s early career researchers, PhD students, and research management administrators. This transfer of knowledge will result in a much higher international visibility of UP academics through an increased number of publications in world-class journals, an increased number of Horizon 2020 project applications, an increased reputation and attractiveness of UP for renowned international scholars and students, and increased mobility and employability of the UP staff.
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Start date: 01-01-2023
End date: 31-12-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 1 499 705,50 Euro - 1 499 705,00 Euro
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Through its concise training, research, communication, dissemination, and exploitation activities EUVIP will significantly contribute to shaping the new, rapidly developing academic field of Indo-Pacific Studies. The project will raise the awareness of the stakeholders (academia, civil society, politics, and broad public) of the strategic, political, and economic significance of the volatile Indo-Pacific region for Europe and for a values-based European approach towards this region. Together with its seven dissemination partners, the EUVIP consortium will create a sustainable European Indo-Pacific experts network and knowledge hub with strong dissemination channels to national and EU policymakers in order to strongly contribute to the EU’s Indo-Pacific strategy and policies. In addition, EUVIP will establish a Myanmar Centre at Palacky University in Olomouc (Czech Republic) to connect academia with politics and the civil society. EUVIP will build on UP's strong expertise on Southeast Asia and China’s Belt and Road Initiative, supplemented by the complementary expertise of three leading European research partners (University of Helsinki, University of Copenhagen, and Université Catholique de Louvain). To further improve UP’s excellence capacity and resources, the three expert partners will provide training to UP’s early career researchers, PhD students, and research management administrators. This transfer of knowledge will result in a much higher international visibility of UP academics through an increased number of publications in world-class journals, an increased number of Horizon 2020 project applications, an increased reputation and attractiveness of UP for renowned international scholars and students, and increased mobility and employability of the UP staff.



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