LEONSEGS is a federated environment (called Multi-mission Earth Observation Ground Segment Service Platform) of EO data providers that collaborate all together through harmonized interfaces and that are managed by a central automated multi-mission service, able to coordinate and produce for the End-User complex EO product. There are different types of EO data providers: EO products provider (like for instance existing EO constellation operators that offer their data and products) and EO satellite constellations (satellites that are managed by a Ground Segment as a Service –GsaaS- solution, and that allows not only access to data and products but tasking of future acquisitions).
The proposed multi-mission ground segment shall federate New Space players supporting the heterogeneity of the New Space ecosystem through harmonized interfaces for each profile, and especially with:
- New Space stakeholders which need or wish to externalize their ground segment infrastructures.
- EO existing products providers with their own space and ground segment willing to access to the market that this infrastructure will offer.
LEONSEGS is a multi-disciplinary fully complementary consortium. GMV has an extensive experience in coordinating international collaborative research projects and is the world-wide leader in ground segments. PLUS is a highly reputed academic partner with a cut-of-the-edge experience on EO processing. SAT is a New Space leader in EO, operating a proprietary constellation of high-resolution satellites capable of imaging earth in high frequency. F6S is one of the best companies with expertise on community building, dissemination & communication, especially for engaging with stakeholders; F6S runs actually a world community platform with more than 4.5mil users and approximately 1.5 mil tech-startups.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101082493
Start date: 01-07-2023
End date: 31-12-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 2 850 941,25 Euro - 2 143 783,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

LEONSEGS is a federated environment (called Multi-mission Earth Observation Ground Segment Service Platform) of EO data providers that collaborate all together through harmonized interfaces and that are managed by a central automated multi-mission service, able to coordinate and produce for the End-User complex EO product. There are different types of EO data providers: EO products provider (like for instance existing EO constellation operators that offer their data and products) and EO satellite constellations (satellites that are managed by a Ground Segment as a Service –GsaaS- solution, and that allows not only access to data and products but tasking of future acquisitions).
The proposed multi-mission ground segment shall federate New Space players supporting the heterogeneity of the New Space ecosystem through harmonized interfaces for each profile, and especially with:
- New Space stakeholders which need or wish to externalize their ground segment infrastructures.
- EO existing products providers with their own space and ground segment willing to access to the market that this infrastructure will offer.
LEONSEGS is a multi-disciplinary fully complementary consortium. GMV has an extensive experience in coordinating international collaborative research projects and is the world-wide leader in ground segments. PLUS is a highly reputed academic partner with a cut-of-the-edge experience on EO processing. SAT is a New Space leader in EO, operating a proprietary constellation of high-resolution satellites capable of imaging earth in high frequency. F6S is one of the best companies with expertise on community building, dissemination & communication, especially for engaging with stakeholders; F6S runs actually a world community platform with more than 4.5mil users and approximately 1.5 mil tech-startups.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.4 Digital, Industry and Space
HORIZON.2.4.10 Space, including Earth Observation
HORIZON-CL4-2022-SPACE-01-13 End-to-end Earth observation systems and associated services