HOLOSCAN | Holographic Scanner for Safe Real-Time High Throughput Screening of People and Their Bags

Art (SoA) detection equipment used for screening of people and their baggage include (1) X-ray screening; (2) X-ray based explosive detection systems (EDS); (3) explosive and chemical trace detection systems (EDT); (4) technologies based on neutron beams; (5) metal detectors and (6) millimeter wave body scanners. None of the current SoA methods is able to offer real-time or even rapid enough safe screening of large numbers of people moving simultaneously towards the entrances of buildings, public transportation or public places and rely on a relatively slow person-by-person screening. We would like to propose a novel approach to high-throughput millimeter wave screening which should allow such real-time screening. HOLOSCAN has the following ambitions in consecutive Phase 1 and Phase 2 SME Instrument projects:

• To provide the first commercial HOLOSCAN security scanning system that will allow true real-time scanning of multiple moving persons and their bags which novelty has been verified;
• To adapt this HOLOSCAN system to client’s needs by varying diode panel size and image resolution at a price below current commercial SoA solutions that can run up to €250,000 per stationary unit;
• To offer the clients constant improvement and upgrade of customized image recognition software;
• To generate sales in excess of €160Mn in first 5 years post-launch, utilizing a network of distributers and licencees;
• To bring ROI for Europe to at least 10,800% given the estimated investment of €1.5Mn in Phase 2 project.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/651272
Start date: 01-12-2014
End date: 31-05-2015
Total budget - Public funding: 71 429,00 Euro - 50 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Art (SoA) detection equipment used for screening of people and their baggage include (1) X-ray screening; (2) X-ray based explosive detection systems (EDS); (3) explosive and chemical trace detection systems (EDT); (4) technologies based on neutron beams; (5) metal detectors and (6) millimeter wave body scanners. None of the current SoA methods is able to offer real-time or even rapid enough safe screening of large numbers of people moving simultaneously towards the entrances of buildings, public transportation or public places and rely on a relatively slow person-by-person screening. We would like to propose a novel approach to high-throughput millimeter wave screening which should allow such real-time screening. HOLOSCAN has the following ambitions in consecutive Phase 1 and Phase 2 SME Instrument projects:

• To provide the first commercial HOLOSCAN security scanning system that will allow true real-time scanning of multiple moving persons and their bags which novelty has been verified;
• To adapt this HOLOSCAN system to client’s needs by varying diode panel size and image resolution at a price below current commercial SoA solutions that can run up to €250,000 per stationary unit;
• To offer the clients constant improvement and upgrade of customized image recognition software;
• To generate sales in excess of €160Mn in first 5 years post-launch, utilizing a network of distributers and licencees;
• To bring ROI for Europe to at least 10,800% given the estimated investment of €1.5Mn in Phase 2 project.



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