PEARL | Performance Estimation, Assessment, Reporting and simuLation

PEARL project aims at carrying out the SESAR performance management process, under the leadership of SESAR 3 JU. This implies to reconcile and map the performance assessments and results delivered by the R&I projects with the SESAR performance ambitions in the ATM Master Plan.

To achieve this goal, PEARL Project will conduct the following activities:

-A priori estimation of performance contributions from SESAR Solutions
-Consolidation of performance assessments coming from SESAR Solutions to deliver PAGAR report
-Provision support and guidance to Solutions through Communities of Practice (in performance domains as Operational Performance, Safety, (cyber) Security, Human Performance, Environment, CBA, Digitalisation and U-Space), as part of a Quality Assurance process
-Conduct multi-SESAR Solution network impact simulations, looking for indications of cross-effects of joint deployment

Complementarily, on specific request from SESAR 3 JU, PEARL project will maintain SESAR Performance Framework and related material, as well as providing support to Maturity Gates. It will also be flexible for the provision of additional ad-hoc activities, to be agreed with SESAR 3 JU.
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Start date: 01-09-2023
End date: 31-08-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 9 862 263,75 Euro - 1 989 359,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

PEARL project aims at carrying out the SESAR performance management process, under the leadership of SESAR 3 JU. This implies to reconcile and map the performance assessments and results delivered by the R&I projects with the SESAR performance ambitions in the ATM Master Plan.

To achieve this goal, PEARL Project will conduct the following activities:

-A priori estimation of performance contributions from SESAR Solutions
-Consolidation of performance assessments coming from SESAR Solutions to deliver PAGAR report
-Provision support and guidance to Solutions through Communities of Practice (in performance domains as Operational Performance, Safety, (cyber) Security, Human Performance, Environment, CBA, Digitalisation and U-Space), as part of a Quality Assurance process
-Conduct multi-SESAR Solution network impact simulations, looking for indications of cross-effects of joint deployment

Complementarily, on specific request from SESAR 3 JU, PEARL project will maintain SESAR Performance Framework and related material, as well as providing support to Maturity Gates. It will also be flexible for the provision of additional ad-hoc activities, to be agreed with SESAR 3 JU.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.5 Climate, Energy and Mobility
HORIZON.2.5.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA1-1 Performance Management & Network impact Assessment