AIMS5.0 | Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing leading to Sustainability and Industry5.0

AIMS5.0, a collaborative Innovation Action aims at strengthening European digital sovereignty in comprehensively sustainable production, by adopting, extending and implementing AI-enabled hardware and software components and systems across the whole industrial value chain to further increase the overall efficiency.

Vulnerability of existing supply chains in crisis shows the need for shorter supply chains and for keeping production in Europe. AI enabled fabs will be given more output and higher sustainability, which makes them more competitive on a global scale. New technologies from IoT and based on semantic web ontologies, ML and AI will help to enable the transformation from Industry4.0 to Industry5.0, to create human-centric workplace conditions and to enable the transformation of European industry to climate-friendly production. Above all, sustainability and resilience will be improved.

In essence, AIMS5.0 will deliver:
- AI-enabled electronic hardware components & systems for sustainable production
- AI tools, methods & algorithms for sustainable industrial processes
- SoS-based architectures & micro-services for AI-supported sustainable production
- Semantic modelling & data integration for an open access productive sustainability platform
- Acceptance, trust & ethics for explainable industrial AI leading to human-centered sustainable manufacturing

20 use cases in 9 industrial domains resulting in high TRLs will validate the project’s findings in an interdisciplinary manner. A professional dissemination, communication, exploitation and standardisation will ensure the highest impact possible.

For the first time a joint approach for implementing AI and AI-enabled hardware will be developed that overarches different industrial domains.

AIMS5.0 will result in lower manufacturing costs, increased product quality through AI-enabled innovation, decreased time-to-market and increased user acceptance of versatile technology offerings. They will foster a sustainable development, in an economical, ecological and societal sense and act as enablers for the Green Deal and push the industry towards Industry5.0.

The innovations will leverage the experience of the 53 partners, such as renowned OEMs, Tier-1 and Tier-2 suppliers, technology and application large enterprises and SMEs, supported by academic research specialists in fields like AI, industrial hard-ware and software, decision making and management algorithms.

Specific outcomes of the project are
- 20% faster time to market,
- Participation of disabled people in the factory environment > 5% (in relation to the total number of employees employed in production),
- AI based MES capability > 10 %,
- Increased user awareness and trust by 10%,
- Subsequent reduction of environmental footprint for wafer transport, handling and storage > 20 %,
- 50% reduction of time for monitoring industrial equipment.

AIMS5.0 is a pan-European initiative to boost industrial competitiveness through interdisciplinary innovations, establishing sustainable ECS value chains and therefore contribute to European Digital Sovereignty addressing urgent issues like Security of Supply, Monitoring and Crisis Response, and Chip Shortage.
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Start date: 01-05-2023
End date: 30-04-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 70 695 350,24 Euro - 17 935 924,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

AIMS5.0, a collaborative Innovation Action aims at strengthening European digital sovereignty in comprehensively sustainable production, by adopting, extending and implementing AI-enabled hardware and software components and systems across the whole industrial value chain to further increase the overall efficiency.

Vulnerability of existing supply chains in crisis shows the need for shorter supply chains and for keeping production in Europe. AI enabled fabs will be given more output and higher sustainability, which makes them more competitive on a global scale. New technologies from IoT and based on semantic web ontologies, ML and AI will help to enable the transformation from Industry4.0 to Industry5.0, to create human-centric workplace conditions and to enable the transformation of European industry to climate-friendly production. Above all, sustainability and resilience will be improved.

In essence, AIMS5.0 will deliver:
- AI-enabled electronic hardware components & systems for sustainable production
- AI tools, methods & algorithms for sustainable industrial processes
- SoS-based architectures & micro-services for AI-supported sustainable production
- Semantic modelling & data integration for an open access productive sustainability platform
- Acceptance, trust & ethics for explainable industrial AI leading to human-centered sustainable manufacturing

20 use cases in 9 industrial domains resulting in high TRLs will validate the project’s findings in an interdisciplinary manner. A professional dissemination, communication, exploitation and standardisation will ensure the highest impact possible.

For the first time a joint approach for implementing AI and AI-enabled hardware will be developed that overarches different industrial domains.

AIMS5.0 will result in lower manufacturing costs, increased product quality through AI-enabled innovation, decreased time-to-market and increased user acceptance of versatile technology offerings. They will foster a sustainable development, in an economical, ecological and societal sense and act as enablers for the Green Deal and push the industry towards Industry5.0.

The innovations will leverage the experience of the 53 partners, such as renowned OEMs, Tier-1 and Tier-2 suppliers, technology and application large enterprises and SMEs, supported by academic research specialists in fields like AI, industrial hard-ware and software, decision making and management algorithms.

Specific outcomes of the project are
- 20% faster time to market,
- Participation of disabled people in the factory environment > 5% (in relation to the total number of employees employed in production),
- AI based MES capability > 10 %,
- Increased user awareness and trust by 10%,
- Subsequent reduction of environmental footprint for wafer transport, handling and storage > 20 %,
- 50% reduction of time for monitoring industrial equipment.

AIMS5.0 is a pan-European initiative to boost industrial competitiveness through interdisciplinary innovations, establishing sustainable ECS value chains and therefore contribute to European Digital Sovereignty addressing urgent issues like Security of Supply, Monitoring and Crisis Response, and Chip Shortage.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.4 Digital, Industry and Space
HORIZON.2.4.2 Key Digital Technologies
HORIZON-KDT-JU-2022-1-IA-Topic-1 General according to ECS-SRIA 2022 (IA)