ERA_SHUTTLE | Accelerating ERA by Sharing Unique Talents for healThy Life and Environment

ERA_SHUTLLE is creating a cross-sectoral framework for collaboration and possibilities for talents from different backgrounds to address contemporary health and environmental challenges and produce innovative solutions for the benefit of society. The ERA_SHUTTLE's main goal is to foster R&I capacity in the ERA to benefit the participating widening countries Poland, Croatia, and Malta. This will be accomplished by bolstering R&I support capacities, boosting cross-sectoral collaboration, and implementing cross-sectoral knowledge valorisation and talent circulation experiments while boosting the attractiveness of regional R&I ecosystems. This action is designed by leading research universities from widening countries with underdeveloped RI landscapes and strong non-academic institutions and associations from non-widening countries such as Steinbeis, CERIC-ERIC and ASTP. The ERA_SHUTTLE brings universities, non-academic, and private organisations together to eliminate existing barriers and work toward a common objective by offering training and secondment opportunities that celebrate diversity. Project partners will develop their core capacities and benefit from ERA knowledge and expertise exchange. The project supports industry-research needs by cross-fertilizing ideas to address hurdles and low levels of research valorisation. Following the European Industrial Strategy and the European Skills Agenda, ERA_SHUTTLE will help R&I talents from Widening countries deepen their capacity and broaden their skill set to improve research, knowledge valorisation, and cross-sectoral collaboration. Through specific objectives, project will: identify research institutions' strengths and weaknesses and increase access, integration, and use of research equipment and knowledge, improve research conditions, employability, and career possibilities to attract and retain top research and innovation talent in expanding countries and implement cross-sectoral talent mobilities.
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Start date: 01-09-2023
End date: 31-08-2027
Total budget - Public funding: 3 093 030,00 Euro - 3 093 030,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

ERA_SHUTLLE is creating a cross-sectoral framework for collaboration and possibilities for talents from different backgrounds to address contemporary health and environmental challenges and produce innovative solutions for the benefit of society. The ERA_SHUTTLE's main goal is to foster R&I capacity in the ERA to benefit the participating widening countries Poland, Croatia, and Malta. This will be accomplished by bolstering R&I support capacities, boosting cross-sectoral collaboration, and implementing cross-sectoral knowledge valorisation and talent circulation experiments while boosting the attractiveness of regional R&I ecosystems. This action is designed by leading research universities from widening countries with underdeveloped RI landscapes and strong non-academic institutions and associations from non-widening countries such as Steinbeis, CERIC-ERIC and ASTP. The ERA_SHUTTLE brings universities, non-academic, and private organisations together to eliminate existing barriers and work toward a common objective by offering training and secondment opportunities that celebrate diversity. Project partners will develop their core capacities and benefit from ERA knowledge and expertise exchange. The project supports industry-research needs by cross-fertilizing ideas to address hurdles and low levels of research valorisation. Following the European Industrial Strategy and the European Skills Agenda, ERA_SHUTTLE will help R&I talents from Widening countries deepen their capacity and broaden their skill set to improve research, knowledge valorisation, and cross-sectoral collaboration. Through specific objectives, project will: identify research institutions' strengths and weaknesses and increase access, integration, and use of research equipment and knowledge, improve research conditions, employability, and career possibilities to attract and retain top research and innovation talent in expanding countries and implement cross-sectoral talent mobilities.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.4 Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area
HORIZON.4.1 Widening participation and spreading excellence
HORIZON.4.1.5 Fostering brain circulation of researchers and excellence initiatives
HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03-01 Fostering balanced brain circulation – ERA Talents