Using advanced experience, medical research progress, and international know-how, the TeamPerMed project empowers the University of Tartu together with Tartu University Hospital to form the independent Centre for Personalised Medicine - TeamPerMed. This Center of Excellence (CoE) will become a multi-disciplinary unit integrating expertise in Genomics, IT, Clinical Medicine, and Socio-Economic Analysis. It will create a scalable framework for developing clinical guidelines and clinical decision support (CDS) tools that can be effectively integrated into EU healthcare systems. With the guidance from the leading expert partners, Erasmus Medical Centre and the University of Helsinki, a vibrant network of associated stakeholders, and the support of EC and the Republic of Estonia, TeamPerMed will become a recognized regional/EU leader in translating genomic and electronic health data to prevent the development of chronic or hereditary disease and offering high-quality personalized medical care. TeamPerMed will stimulate digital transformation in healthcare by using available databases and electronic health records to develop AI tools and protocols effective for prevention/early identification of individual health risks and their consecutive treatment. TeamPerMed CoE intellectual outputs including technology, tools, knowledge, and innovative healthcare practices, will boost Estonia’s and Europe’s competitiveness in the emerging personalised medicine sector, improving the quality of healthcare, prolonging longevity and maximizing health of European citizens, and bringing the advantages of future digital medicine to our citizens already today. The TeamPerMed Center will become an internationally recognized leader in the areas of personalized medicine and customized healthcare contributing directly to a better physical and mental wellbeing and indirectly to social and spiritual wellness, opening the door to a more harmonious society and paving the way for the ‘next generation
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Start date: 01-09-2023
End date: 31-08-2029
Total budget - Public funding: 15 000 000,00 Euro - 15 000 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

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Using advanced experience, medical research progress, and international know-how, the TeamPerMed project empowers the University of Tartu together with Tartu University Hospital to form the independent Centre for Personalised Medicine - TeamPerMed. This Center of Excellence (CoE) will become a multi-disciplinary unit integrating expertise in Genomics, IT, Clinical Medicine, and Socio-Economic Analysis. It will create a scalable framework for developing clinical guidelines and clinical decision support (CDS) tools that can be effectively integrated into EU healthcare systems. With the guidance from the leading expert partners, Erasmus Medical Centre and the University of Helsinki, a vibrant network of associated stakeholders, and the support of EC and the Republic of Estonia, TeamPerMed will become a recognized regional/EU leader in translating genomic and electronic health data to prevent the development of chronic or hereditary disease and offering high-quality personalized medical care. TeamPerMed will stimulate digital transformation in healthcare by using available databases and electronic health records to develop AI tools and protocols effective for prevention/early identification of individual health risks and their consecutive treatment. TeamPerMed CoE intellectual outputs including technology, tools, knowledge, and innovative healthcare practices, will boost Estonia’s and Europe’s competitiveness in the emerging personalised medicine sector, improving the quality of healthcare, prolonging longevity and maximizing health of European citizens, and bringing the advantages of future digital medicine to our citizens already today. The TeamPerMed Center will become an internationally recognized leader in the areas of personalized medicine and customized healthcare contributing directly to a better physical and mental wellbeing and indirectly to social and spiritual wellness, opening the door to a more harmonious society and paving the way for the ‘next generation



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.4 Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area
HORIZON.4.1 Widening participation and spreading excellence
HORIZON.4.1.1 Teaming
HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ACCESS-01-01-two-stage Teaming for Excellence