C3ISP | Collaborative and Confidential Information Sharing and Analysis for Cyber Protection

C3ISP mission is to define a collaborative and confidential information sharing, analysis and protection framework as a service for cyber security management. C3ISP innovation is the possibility to share information in a flexible and controllable manner inside a collaborative multi-domain environment to improve detection of cyber threats and response capabilities, still preserving the confidentiality of the shared information. C3ISP paradigm is collect, analyse, inform, and react.
In order to achieve the aforementioned goals, the project aims to create an efficient and flexible framework for secure data analytics where data access and data analytics operations are regulated by multi-stakeholders data sharing agreements. In particular, C3ISP will:
• facilitate the definition, analysis, management, enforcement and dissolution of data sharing agreements; going from high level descriptions (close to natural language) to system enforceable data usage policies;
• consider the most appropriate data protection techniques used in the analytics infrastructure, from data centric policy enforcement mechanisms to homomorphic encryption techniques that enable to work directly on encrypted data (considering also intermediate solutions as anonymization techniques);
• address key challenges for compliant sharing of cyber security related information. By taking a “compliance by design” approach, the project places an early emphasis on understanding and incorporating regulatory requirements into the data sharing agreements.
• validate the framework through four Pilots covering several relevant areas as enterprise security, governmental CERTS, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and, in particular, for SMEs interested in holistic cyber protection solutions (including managed security services).
The project Consortium combines strong industry players with research institutions that will deliver high quality innovation; it also includes SMEs and digital innovation promoters.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/700294
Start date: 01-10-2016
End date: 30-09-2019
Total budget - Public funding: 5 000 045,00 Euro - 4 176 445,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

C3ISP mission is to define a collaborative and confidential information sharing, analysis and protection framework as a service for cyber security management. C3ISP innovation is the possibility to share information in a flexible and controllable manner inside a collaborative multi-domain environment to improve detection of cyber threats and response capabilities, still preserving the confidentiality of the shared information. C3ISP paradigm is collect, analyse, inform, and react.
In order to achieve the aforementioned goals, the project aims to create an efficient and flexible framework for secure data analytics where data access and data analytics operations are regulated by multi-stakeholders data sharing agreements. In particular, C3ISP will:
• facilitate the definition, analysis, management, enforcement and dissolution of data sharing agreements; going from high level descriptions (close to natural language) to system enforceable data usage policies;
• consider the most appropriate data protection techniques used in the analytics infrastructure, from data centric policy enforcement mechanisms to homomorphic encryption techniques that enable to work directly on encrypted data (considering also intermediate solutions as anonymization techniques);
• address key challenges for compliant sharing of cyber security related information. By taking a “compliance by design” approach, the project places an early emphasis on understanding and incorporating regulatory requirements into the data sharing agreements.
• validate the framework through four Pilots covering several relevant areas as enterprise security, governmental CERTS, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and, in particular, for SMEs interested in holistic cyber protection solutions (including managed security services).
The project Consortium combines strong industry players with research institutions that will deliver high quality innovation; it also includes SMEs and digital innovation promoters.



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