ENTRANCE | EfficieNT Risk-bAsed iNspection of freight Crossing bordErs without disrupting business

The mission of ENTRANCE is to develop and validate a comprehensive user-based ENTRANCE Toolbox for risk-based non-intrusive inspection (NII) of cross-border freight movements, with particular focus on the EU Customs Union border. The aim of the ENTRANCE Toolbox is to enhance border security practitioners’ capabilities to protect society against a wide range of dangerous and illicit materials with minimum disruption of cross-border flow of goods. ENTRANCE will deliver five main results: 1) Automated Risk Assessment, Threat Recognition and Information Sharing Platform (ENARTIS), 2) suite of Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) technologies for detecting contraband hidden in high-density cargo, 3) Enhanced relocatable unit for non-intrusive detection of wide number of threats including explosives, illicit drugs, chemical warfare agents, nuclear and radioactive materials (NR) and special nuclear materials (SNM) such as enriched uranium and plutonium, 4) Trans-European RPM network for passive detection of illicit nuclear and radioactive (NR) materials combining detection facilities of different types and technologies, and 5) Novel high-speed RPM detection technology for passive detection of NR with minimal disturbance of flow. The ENTRANCE Toolbox will be validated at the EU Customs Union border by five practitioner-led field trials chosen for their relevance, strategic position and feasibility.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/883424
Start date: 01-10-2020
End date: 30-11-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 6 752 857,00 Euro - 6 398 686,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The mission of ENTRANCE is to develop and validate a comprehensive user-based ENTRANCE Toolbox for risk-based non-intrusive inspection (NII) of cross-border freight movements, with particular focus on the EU Customs Union border. The aim of the ENTRANCE Toolbox is to enhance border security practitioners’ capabilities to protect society against a wide range of dangerous and illicit materials with minimum disruption of cross-border flow of goods. ENTRANCE will deliver five main results: 1) Automated Risk Assessment, Threat Recognition and Information Sharing Platform (ENARTIS), 2) suite of Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) technologies for detecting contraband hidden in high-density cargo, 3) Enhanced relocatable unit for non-intrusive detection of wide number of threats including explosives, illicit drugs, chemical warfare agents, nuclear and radioactive materials (NR) and special nuclear materials (SNM) such as enriched uranium and plutonium, 4) Trans-European RPM network for passive detection of illicit nuclear and radioactive (NR) materials combining detection facilities of different types and technologies, and 5) Novel high-speed RPM detection technology for passive detection of NR with minimal disturbance of flow. The ENTRANCE Toolbox will be validated at the EU Customs Union border by five practitioner-led field trials chosen for their relevance, strategic position and feasibility.



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