DrugStop | Drug detection for personal protection

The Problem: Drug rape, and related crimes, performed after a victim has been intoxicated by a drug that has been added to
the victims drink, is a growing problem and threat to EU citizens. It is estimated that app. 103.000 incidents occur annually in
EU. Also the number of cases is increasing every year as the use of “drink spiking” to facilitate crimes is increasing in

The Solution: D-management has developed a device, DrugStop, which is capable of detecting if drugs have been added to
a drink. We have achieved this goal by combining advanced spectroscopic techniques with advanced data processing. By
commercialization of this device we give people, and establishment owners, a reliable and efficient way they can defend
themselves against this increasing threat.

The Market: Market surveys have indicated that both individuals and owners of establishments are interested in a device that
can detect if drugs are present in drinks. It is estimated that the total cost, in EU alone is 2.83 bill. € annually. We have
identified an urgent need for a device that can prevent these kinds of crimes. Our device is marketed towards two classes of
end-users, establishment (bars, pubs etc) owners and the individual user. For both markets there is currently no serious
competitors that can offer the same kind of reliable and fast detection system as is the case for our device.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/698568
Start date: 01-11-2015
End date: 29-02-2016
Total budget - Public funding: 71 429,00 Euro - 50 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The Problem: Drug rape, and related crimes, performed after a victim has been intoxicated by a drug that has been added to
the victims drink, is a growing problem and threat to EU citizens. It is estimated that app. 103.000 incidents occur annually in
EU. Also the number of cases is increasing every year as the use of “drink spiking” to facilitate crimes is increasing in

The Solution: D-management has developed a device, DrugStop, which is capable of detecting if drugs have been added to
a drink. We have achieved this goal by combining advanced spectroscopic techniques with advanced data processing. By
commercialization of this device we give people, and establishment owners, a reliable and efficient way they can defend
themselves against this increasing threat.

The Market: Market surveys have indicated that both individuals and owners of establishments are interested in a device that
can detect if drugs are present in drinks. It is estimated that the total cost, in EU alone is 2.83 bill. € annually. We have
identified an urgent need for a device that can prevent these kinds of crimes. Our device is marketed towards two classes of
end-users, establishment (bars, pubs etc) owners and the individual user. For both markets there is currently no serious
competitors that can offer the same kind of reliable and fast detection system as is the case for our device.



Call topic


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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.3. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs
H2020-EU.2.3.1. Mainstreaming SME support, especially through a dedicated instrument
DRS-17-2015-1 Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: Protection of Urban soft targets and critical infrastructures
H2020-EU.3.7. Secure societies - Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
H2020-EU.3.7.0. Cross-cutting call topics
DRS-17-2015-1 Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: Protection of Urban soft targets and critical infrastructures