ELIXIRION | rEaLIzing healthcare 4.0 eXploIting the 6G netwoRk evolutION

ELIXIRION will create the first fully-integrated, inter- and multi-disciplinary, highly-innovative training and research network that will set the foundations of the emerging Healthcare 4.0 paradigm by leveraging 6G technologies targeting to: i) provide all citizens/patients with a wide range of services of different requirements, such as ultra-low latency for latency-critical applications, high speed for data hungry services and ubiquitous secure access to healthcare resources, anytime, anywhere, respecting all privacy aspects, and ii) ensure a secure, efficient, and profitable healthcare ecosystem to all involved stakeholders, while creating a sustainable open market easing access to new players. To achieve the aforementioned objective, ELIXIRION will: 1) leverage a gamut of 6G technologies towards a powerful interconnected network for ultra-high performance access to the healthcare ecosystem targeting up to 99,99999% reliability, 100% coverage, down to sub-ms E2E latency, up to 1 Tbps capacity, high energy- and cost-efficiency, while supporting a massive number of connections, 2) design edge-aware algorithms leveraging diverse computing capabilities offering ultra-fast task execution through parallelization, serverless and distributed computing by intra- and inter- edge node orchestration techniques for real-time mission critical healthcare applications, 3) provide an E2E slicing and zero-touch orchestration framework for optimized 6G network performance across the healthcare ecosystem, targeting at full network automation and secure information handling especially when a massive number of medical devices is considered, by leveraging AI/ML, while considering all different network parts and data analytics to derive useful information helping in the decision-making process, and 4) create a sustainable healthcare ecosystem and new business models leveraging blockchain-based incentive engineering for secure incentivized collaboration among the involved stakeholders.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101120135
Start date: 01-11-2023
End date: 31-10-2027
Total budget - Public funding: - 2 536 970,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

ELIXIRION will create the first fully-integrated, inter- and multi-disciplinary, highly-innovative training and research network that will set the foundations of the emerging Healthcare 4.0 paradigm by leveraging 6G technologies targeting to: i) provide all citizens/patients with a wide range of services of different requirements, such as ultra-low latency for latency-critical applications, high speed for data hungry services and ubiquitous secure access to healthcare resources, anytime, anywhere, respecting all privacy aspects, and ii) ensure a secure, efficient, and profitable healthcare ecosystem to all involved stakeholders, while creating a sustainable open market easing access to new players. To achieve the aforementioned objective, ELIXIRION will: 1) leverage a gamut of 6G technologies towards a powerful interconnected network for ultra-high performance access to the healthcare ecosystem targeting up to 99,99999% reliability, 100% coverage, down to sub-ms E2E latency, up to 1 Tbps capacity, high energy- and cost-efficiency, while supporting a massive number of connections, 2) design edge-aware algorithms leveraging diverse computing capabilities offering ultra-fast task execution through parallelization, serverless and distributed computing by intra- and inter- edge node orchestration techniques for real-time mission critical healthcare applications, 3) provide an E2E slicing and zero-touch orchestration framework for optimized 6G network performance across the healthcare ecosystem, targeting at full network automation and secure information handling especially when a massive number of medical devices is considered, by leveraging AI/ML, while considering all different network parts and data analytics to derive useful information helping in the decision-making process, and 4) create a sustainable healthcare ecosystem and new business models leveraging blockchain-based incentive engineering for secure incentivized collaboration among the involved stakeholders.



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