TENORS | Tensor modEliNg, geOmetRy and optimiSation

TENORS aims to form the next generation of researchers and engineers in scientific computing and data analysis, disrupting the current paradigms of tensor calculus by exploiting cutting-edge research in geometry and optimisation. Tensors are nowadays ubiquitous in many domains of applied mathematics, computer science, signal processing, data processing, machine learning and in the emerging area of quantum computing. The demand for highly trained scientists with a deep understanding of tensor methods and with advanced knowledge in the geometry of tensor spaces, with skills on the design of efficient algorithms and software handling tensor computation and in the applications of high performance tensor computation is raising, in many fields including machine learning and quantum computation, which are nowadays expanding very quickly.

TENORS contributes to satisfy this demand by fostering scientific and technological advances in the area of tensor sciences, stimulating interdisciplinary and intersectoriality knowledge exchange between algebraists, geometers, computer scientists, numerical analysts, data analysts, physicists, quantum scientists, and industrial actors facing real-life tensor-based problems, in a network of PhD students at its core.

A unique strength of the network is to gather top-researchers of these different domains.
TENORS will train young scientists in academy or industry in how to exploit the best of these techniques efficiently and disseminate this knowledge to industry. As a truly multidisciplinary network, TENORS will at the same time seek to apply these new techniques to real-life applications thanks to the industrial actors involved in the network.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101120296
Start date: 01-01-2024
End date: 31-12-2027
Total budget - Public funding: - 4 049 582,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

TENORS aims to form the next generation of researchers and engineers in scientific computing and data analysis, disrupting the current paradigms of tensor calculus by exploiting cutting-edge research in geometry and optimisation. Tensors are nowadays ubiquitous in many domains of applied mathematics, computer science, signal processing, data processing, machine learning and in the emerging area of quantum computing. The demand for highly trained scientists with a deep understanding of tensor methods and with advanced knowledge in the geometry of tensor spaces, with skills on the design of efficient algorithms and software handling tensor computation and in the applications of high performance tensor computation is raising, in many fields including machine learning and quantum computation, which are nowadays expanding very quickly.

TENORS contributes to satisfy this demand by fostering scientific and technological advances in the area of tensor sciences, stimulating interdisciplinary and intersectoriality knowledge exchange between algebraists, geometers, computer scientists, numerical analysts, data analysts, physicists, quantum scientists, and industrial actors facing real-life tensor-based problems, in a network of PhD students at its core.

A unique strength of the network is to gather top-researchers of these different domains.
TENORS will train young scientists in academy or industry in how to exploit the best of these techniques efficiently and disseminate this knowledge to industry. As a truly multidisciplinary network, TENORS will at the same time seek to apply these new techniques to real-life applications thanks to the industrial actors involved in the network.



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