FLATS | Flat Bands for Quantum Metrology

The ultimate limit on the accuracy of any measurement is set by quantum mechanics, this also means that quantum effects can be used in metrology and sensing to go well beyond any classical approach. For classical systems, statistical error is proportional to 1/sqrt(N) with N the number of measured particles. Measurements in quantum systems can overcome this limit and reach the Heisenberg limit proportional to 1/N. However, quantum standards and sensors are challenging to put in practice and their working conditions are nowadays intrinsically incompatible (e.g. magnetic field and superconductivity). Therefore, limiting their reach in terms of users and their development as accurate and enhanced quantum technologies.
The vision we propose in FLATS is to use twisted bilayer graphene as a multiphenomena platform to develop present electrical quantum metrology standards, working under compatible conditions, and to develop the new generation of metrological sensor, going beyond the International System of units (SI). Their common platform will allow their integration as a single multi-use on-chip quantum lab.
To achieve this, we will first create a European twistronics plateform for an unprecedented control of the relative angular alignment between graphene/BN layers. We will develop novel and original quantum electrical standards with twisted heterostructures. Our on-chip metrological quantum lab also enables the implementation of metrological sensors beyond the SI. This will be the first step towards quantum-enhanced measurements for metrological applications.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101099139
Start date: 01-02-2023
End date: 31-03-2027
Total budget - Public funding: 3 875 747,50 Euro - 3 875 747,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The ultimate limit on the accuracy of any measurement is set by quantum mechanics, this also means that quantum effects can be used in metrology and sensing to go well beyond any classical approach. For classical systems, statistical error is proportional to 1/sqrt(N) with N the number of measured particles. Measurements in quantum systems can overcome this limit and reach the Heisenberg limit proportional to 1/N. However, quantum standards and sensors are challenging to put in practice and their working conditions are nowadays intrinsically incompatible (e.g. magnetic field and superconductivity). Therefore, limiting their reach in terms of users and their development as accurate and enhanced quantum technologies.
The vision we propose in FLATS is to use twisted bilayer graphene as a multiphenomena platform to develop present electrical quantum metrology standards, working under compatible conditions, and to develop the new generation of metrological sensor, going beyond the International System of units (SI). Their common platform will allow their integration as a single multi-use on-chip quantum lab.
To achieve this, we will first create a European twistronics plateform for an unprecedented control of the relative angular alignment between graphene/BN layers. We will develop novel and original quantum electrical standards with twisted heterostructures. Our on-chip metrological quantum lab also enables the implementation of metrological sensors beyond the SI. This will be the first step towards quantum-enhanced measurements for metrological applications.



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