KIC SE BP2023- 2024 | EIT InnoEnergy Business Plan 2023 - 2024

EIT InnoEnergy is synonymous with innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of sustainable energy. It is achieving this by leveraging the potential of the knowledge triangle: higher education, research, and industry throughout Europe, and globally. For EIT InnoEnergy, sustainability in energy means aligning with the Energy Union strategy, contributing to three objectives: (1) Decrease the cost of energy (€/kWh), (2) Increase the security of the energy system (operability of assets and autonomy in supply), and (3) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We operate three business lines:
(1) the Education Programmes, which create and accompany the future significant changes in sustainable energy;
(2) the Innovation Projects, which focus on producing incremental and disruptive technological and business model innovations;
(3) the Business Creation Services(entrepreneurship), where we nurture innovative start-ups and grow small enterprises in sustainable energy. These business lines are supported by the management and operations activities.

EIT InnoEnergy is also orchestrating three industrial strategic value chains on batteries and Photovoltaic (PV) through the European Battery Alliance and European Solar Initiative, formally mandated, and endorsed, respectively, by the European Commission in 2017 and 2020. EGHAC (European Green Hydrogen Acceleration Center) is the third one on green hydrogen, implemented together with Breakthrough Energy.

All our activities focus on six thematic fields (Smart Grids, Storage, Smart Cities and Efficient Buildings, Energy from Chemical Fuels, Renewables and Energy for Transport) that evolve with the energy market changes and are fully aligned with the European Union Energy Strategy and the NECP (National Energy and Climate Plans).

EIT InnoEnergy will fully comply with the EIT Financial Sustainability principles, KIC fund principles, Innovation Principles, EIT RIS Hub Minimum Standards and Good Governance principles.
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Start date: 01-01-2023
End date: 31-12-2024
Total budget - Public funding: 44 034 320,00 Euro - 44 034 320,00 Euro
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Original description

EIT InnoEnergy is synonymous with innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of sustainable energy. It is achieving this by leveraging the potential of the knowledge triangle: higher education, research, and industry throughout Europe, and globally. For EIT InnoEnergy, sustainability in energy means aligning with the Energy Union strategy, contributing to three objectives: (1) Decrease the cost of energy (€/kWh), (2) Increase the security of the energy system (operability of assets and autonomy in supply), and (3) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We operate three business lines:
(1) the Education Programmes, which create and accompany the future significant changes in sustainable energy;
(2) the Innovation Projects, which focus on producing incremental and disruptive technological and business model innovations;
(3) the Business Creation Services(entrepreneurship), where we nurture innovative start-ups and grow small enterprises in sustainable energy. These business lines are supported by the management and operations activities.

EIT InnoEnergy is also orchestrating three industrial strategic value chains on batteries and Photovoltaic (PV) through the European Battery Alliance and European Solar Initiative, formally mandated, and endorsed, respectively, by the European Commission in 2017 and 2020. EGHAC (European Green Hydrogen Acceleration Center) is the third one on green hydrogen, implemented together with Breakthrough Energy.

All our activities focus on six thematic fields (Smart Grids, Storage, Smart Cities and Efficient Buildings, Energy from Chemical Fuels, Renewables and Energy for Transport) that evolve with the energy market changes and are fully aligned with the European Union Energy Strategy and the NECP (National Energy and Climate Plans).

EIT InnoEnergy will fully comply with the EIT Financial Sustainability principles, KIC fund principles, Innovation Principles, EIT RIS Hub Minimum Standards and Good Governance principles.



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