Kaleidos | Quadruple-helix-based knowledge valorisation best practices to transition to an Open Science innovation management model

KALEIDOS brings together research and innovation managers and advisors from a group of 4 European universities and one SME with strong competence on Knowledge Valorisation (KV) and Open Science (OS) that will, in partnership with a low-intensive KV university, collaborate for competence exchange and development, cross-learning and skill sharing, and network building and consolidation, and quadruple-helix (QH) interaction-based knowledge valorisation best practices (KVBP).
They will share their KVBP and enhance them by embedding actions with QH stakeholders of their local ecosystems throughout all research stages (from challenge definition to establishment of multidisciplinary research and innovation teams, generation of innovations to respond to existing needs, design of project concepts and funding applications, and actual project implementation and advancement of results to the market). Ultimately, this process will develop a comprehensive set of social innovation and OS approaches and practices, to be piloted and assessed within universities and with their ecosystems through a new set of indicators for measuring OS and social innovation impact.
KALEIDOS will also define, with QH actors, the OS professional profiles for both researchers and managers and the associated capacity-building training programmes for universities and research centres. Generated resources, action plans, guidelines, and peer-sharing professional network will be made available for any university or research centre to replicate the exercise adapted to their specific context and needs. Policy recommendations will be developed at national and European level to contribute to the European advancement of the OS policy framework.
Ultimately, KALEIDOS aims to consolidate a methodology and associated tools and guidelines to help universities and research centres in their transition towards an OS and social innovation management approach at all stages of research.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101132079
Start date: 01-02-2024
End date: 31-07-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 1 069 225,00 Euro - 1 069 225,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

KALEIDOS brings together research and innovation managers and advisors from a group of 4 European universities and one SME with strong competence on Knowledge Valorisation (KV) and Open Science (OS) that will, in partnership with a low-intensive KV university, collaborate for competence exchange and development, cross-learning and skill sharing, and network building and consolidation, and quadruple-helix (QH) interaction-based knowledge valorisation best practices (KVBP).
They will share their KVBP and enhance them by embedding actions with QH stakeholders of their local ecosystems throughout all research stages (from challenge definition to establishment of multidisciplinary research and innovation teams, generation of innovations to respond to existing needs, design of project concepts and funding applications, and actual project implementation and advancement of results to the market). Ultimately, this process will develop a comprehensive set of social innovation and OS approaches and practices, to be piloted and assessed within universities and with their ecosystems through a new set of indicators for measuring OS and social innovation impact.
KALEIDOS will also define, with QH actors, the OS professional profiles for both researchers and managers and the associated capacity-building training programmes for universities and research centres. Generated resources, action plans, guidelines, and peer-sharing professional network will be made available for any university or research centre to replicate the exercise adapted to their specific context and needs. Policy recommendations will be developed at national and European level to contribute to the European advancement of the OS policy framework.
Ultimately, KALEIDOS aims to consolidate a methodology and associated tools and guidelines to help universities and research centres in their transition towards an OS and social innovation management approach at all stages of research.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.4 Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area
HORIZON.4.2 Reforming and enhancing the European R&I System
HORIZON.4.2.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ERA-01-03 Experimentation and exchange of good practices for value creation