HE_EUSST_STM_AE_TOP2 | SST & STM system architecture and evolutions. Horizon Europe TOP2

This Horizon Europe grant is to be understood within a wider context on EUSST, where other grants are being executed simultaneously with the common objective of improving the EU autonomy on Space Surveillance and Tracking.
In particular, this TOP focuses on:
- Foster European cooperation in the SST domain and improve the EUSST performance towards larger autonomy.
- Highlight and propose solutions to fill the gaps in the current EUSST architecture.
- Pave the way on which the EUSST system has to evolve towards a higher level of performance (e.g. accuracy; number / size of catalogued objects...), quality of service (e.g. timeliness of information...) and autonomy.
- Demonstrate the complementarity, coherence and added-value of each element of EUSST system towards a more autonomous, interoperable SST system.
- Explore and look for higher levels of cooperation with other SST systems such as the US SSA system which is of paramount importance to develop long-term cooperation.
- Raise the main issues and propose relevant answers to questions posed by all those developments in various technical and operational domains based on the outcome of the previous STM coordination and support actions developed under H2020Insert here text for your proposal.
- Propose adaptation to the new changes, and solutions for their possible integration into the existing standards, practices and technological means.

The starting point of these activities is the output of 2-3SST2018-20, which constitutes the state of the art on SST matters.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101125111
Start date: 01-07-2023
End date: 30-06-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 6 000 001,25 Euro - 6 000 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

This Horizon Europe grant is to be understood within a wider context on EUSST, where other grants are being executed simultaneously with the common objective of improving the EU autonomy on Space Surveillance and Tracking.
In particular, this TOP focuses on:
- Foster European cooperation in the SST domain and improve the EUSST performance towards larger autonomy.
- Highlight and propose solutions to fill the gaps in the current EUSST architecture.
- Pave the way on which the EUSST system has to evolve towards a higher level of performance (e.g. accuracy; number / size of catalogued objects...), quality of service (e.g. timeliness of information...) and autonomy.
- Demonstrate the complementarity, coherence and added-value of each element of EUSST system towards a more autonomous, interoperable SST system.
- Explore and look for higher levels of cooperation with other SST systems such as the US SSA system which is of paramount importance to develop long-term cooperation.
- Raise the main issues and propose relevant answers to questions posed by all those developments in various technical and operational domains based on the outcome of the previous STM coordination and support actions developed under H2020Insert here text for your proposal.
- Propose adaptation to the new changes, and solutions for their possible integration into the existing standards, practices and technological means.

The starting point of these activities is the output of 2-3SST2018-20, which constitutes the state of the art on SST matters.



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