RESCUER | first RESponder-Centered support toolkit for operating in adverse and infrastrUcture-less EnviRonments

RESCUER aims to design and develop a First-Responder-centered technology toolkit that will empower the next-generation of First Responders (FR) by enhancing their operational capacity and safety, specifically in adverse conditions, both environmental and infrastructure-wise. Adopting the “HERO” (enHanced nEw eRa first respOnder) concept, RESCUER will deliver a toolkit offering (1) sense augmentation through enhanced sensorial input, (2) precise and infrastructure-less self-positioning, (3) cognitive support and multi-sense AR interfaces, improving their focus and capability to utilise information and (4) robust ad-hoc intra-team communications for both verbal and data exchanges, all delivered over enhanced power and communication autonomy features. Extending the above capabilities, through the concept of a building black box, RESCUER will also introduce the capability of extracting environment information “in situ and infrastructure-wise”, during a disaster. The project will achieve these goals using lightweight, non-obtrusive, and natural interaction with devices and sensors that offer additional information layers augmenting human sensing and operational capabilities, rendering FRs better aware of their surrounding conditions and able to make fast and efficient decisions to remain safe in the line of duty. RESCUER will employ a rigorous process for validating the tools developed, through field tests and three distinct pilots, supervising progression to new technologies and ensuring their adoption by FRs through iterative feedback acquisition and a dedicated provision for reducing cognitive overload. The ultimate goal of RESCUER is to introduce the next generation of FRs, who will be better protected, connected and situationally aware, with enhanced operational capacity and able to efficiently operate in infrastructure-less environments without power and communications network.
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Start date: 01-07-2021
End date: 30-06-2024
Total budget - Public funding: 6 984 803,00 Euro - 6 984 803,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

RESCUER aims to design and develop a First-Responder-centered technology toolkit that will empower the next-generation of First Responders (FR) by enhancing their operational capacity and safety, specifically in adverse conditions, both environmental and infrastructure-wise. Adopting the “HERO” (enHanced nEw eRa first respOnder) concept, RESCUER will deliver a toolkit offering (1) sense augmentation through enhanced sensorial input, (2) precise and infrastructure-less self-positioning, (3) cognitive support and multi-sense AR interfaces, improving their focus and capability to utilise information and (4) robust ad-hoc intra-team communications for both verbal and data exchanges, all delivered over enhanced power and communication autonomy features. Extending the above capabilities, through the concept of a building black box, RESCUER will also introduce the capability of extracting environment information “in situ and infrastructure-wise”, during a disaster. The project will achieve these goals using lightweight, non-obtrusive, and natural interaction with devices and sensors that offer additional information layers augmenting human sensing and operational capabilities, rendering FRs better aware of their surrounding conditions and able to make fast and efficient decisions to remain safe in the line of duty. RESCUER will employ a rigorous process for validating the tools developed, through field tests and three distinct pilots, supervising progression to new technologies and ensuring their adoption by FRs through iterative feedback acquisition and a dedicated provision for reducing cognitive overload. The ultimate goal of RESCUER is to introduce the next generation of FRs, who will be better protected, connected and situationally aware, with enhanced operational capacity and able to efficiently operate in infrastructure-less environments without power and communications network.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.7. Secure societies - Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
H2020-EU.3.7.0. Cross-cutting call topics
SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020 Technologies for first responders
H2020-EU.3.7.6. Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management
SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020 Technologies for first responders
SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020 Technologies for first responders
SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020 Technologies for first responders