ODE4HERA | Open Digital Environment for Hybrid-Electric Regional Architectures

The objective of the Open Digital Environment for Hybrid-Electric Regional Architectures (ODE4HERA) project is to enable and accelerate the development of Hybrid-Electric Regional (HER) aircraft thanks to improved tools and techniques implemented in a transferable and Open Digital Platform (ODP).
HER configurations imply far higher complexity than conventional configurations while involving new aircraft technologies and broader collaboration across the value/supply chain. State-of-the-art digitalization techniques limitations put at risk the achievement of the 2035 HER Entry-Into-Service (EIS) target. To address these challenges, the ODP developed in ODE4HERA will combine MBSE, MDO, SDM and PLM technologies and extend them with novel open interfaces, formats, smart model and data transformation technologies efficiently handling and processing HER configurations complexity, including frontload verification at design stage and virtualize validation for improved virtual certification.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101140510
Start date: 01-01-2024
End date: 31-12-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 8 887 513,91 Euro - 6 987 963,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The objective of the Open Digital Environment for Hybrid-Electric Regional Architectures (ODE4HERA) project is to enable and accelerate the development of Hybrid-Electric Regional (HER) aircraft thanks to improved tools and techniques implemented in a transferable and Open Digital Platform (ODP).
HER configurations imply far higher complexity than conventional configurations while involving new aircraft technologies and broader collaboration across the value/supply chain. State-of-the-art digitalization techniques limitations put at risk the achievement of the 2035 HER Entry-Into-Service (EIS) target. To address these challenges, the ODP developed in ODE4HERA will combine MBSE, MDO, SDM and PLM technologies and extend them with novel open interfaces, formats, smart model and data transformation technologies efficiently handling and processing HER configurations complexity, including frontload verification at design stage and virtualize validation for improved virtual certification.



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European Partnerships
Clean Aviation Partnership
Clean Aviation Partnership Call 2023
HORIZON-JU-CLEAN-AVIATION-2023-02-HER-02 Open Digital Platform for Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft Design
Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.5 Climate, Energy and Mobility
HORIZON.2.5.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-JU-CLEAN-AVIATION-2023-02-HER-02 Open Digital Platform for Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft Design
HORIZON.2.5.7 Clean, Safe and Accessible Transport and Mobility
HORIZON-JU-CLEAN-AVIATION-2023-02-HER-02 Open Digital Platform for Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft Design