EURO-TITAN | Decarbonized Titanium Recovery from Aluminium and Titanium Production Residues

EURO-TITAN will be a pioneer in unlocking continuous Ti resources from metallurgical waste streams from alumina and Ti-dioxide production, developing 54 ktpy of Ti metal making Europe totally independent from Russian Ti-metal sponges imports crucial for alloy production in the transport and medical sectors. On this purpose an industrial driven consortium gaining experience from previous and ongoing projects for metals exctraction from industrial wastes (Scavanger,Scale, Scale Up,Valore) will develop a >90% lower CO2 emission (compared to the conventional Kroll process which produces 10tn per tn of Ti) green hydrogen sourced(ref-hyd) direct Ti reduction process will be scaled to demonstration in the industrial environment at the Bosnian Al-plant to produce tailor-made Ti-metal products for ingots or alloying. Our Ti-metal price will be 15% lower compared to imported ones (rough estimate 6800 €/t Ti compared to current prices from Russia and China at 8500 €/t). Process optimization will be achieved through integration of inline-real time data monitoring, establishing repository of high-quality and trusted datasets, and embedding Artificial Intelligence. This will lead to a 10% reduction of on-site energy and water consumption, while at the same time minimizing production interruption. Finally, circularity is ensured, as the remaining residues are converted into innovative (30% lower co2 emissions compared to cement based) construction materials while water will be recycled, and excess heat energy will serve local households.
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Start date: 01-01-2024
End date: 31-12-2027
Total budget - Public funding: - 4 999 995,00 Euro
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Original description

EURO-TITAN will be a pioneer in unlocking continuous Ti resources from metallurgical waste streams from alumina and Ti-dioxide production, developing 54 ktpy of Ti metal making Europe totally independent from Russian Ti-metal sponges imports crucial for alloy production in the transport and medical sectors. On this purpose an industrial driven consortium gaining experience from previous and ongoing projects for metals exctraction from industrial wastes (Scavanger,Scale, Scale Up,Valore) will develop a >90% lower CO2 emission (compared to the conventional Kroll process which produces 10tn per tn of Ti) green hydrogen sourced(ref-hyd) direct Ti reduction process will be scaled to demonstration in the industrial environment at the Bosnian Al-plant to produce tailor-made Ti-metal products for ingots or alloying. Our Ti-metal price will be 15% lower compared to imported ones (rough estimate 6800 €/t Ti compared to current prices from Russia and China at 8500 €/t). Process optimization will be achieved through integration of inline-real time data monitoring, establishing repository of high-quality and trusted datasets, and embedding Artificial Intelligence. This will lead to a 10% reduction of on-site energy and water consumption, while at the same time minimizing production interruption. Finally, circularity is ensured, as the remaining residues are converted into innovative (30% lower co2 emissions compared to cement based) construction materials while water will be recycled, and excess heat energy will serve local households.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.4 Digital, Industry and Space
HORIZON.2.4.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-02 Innovative technologies for sustainable and decarbonised extraction (RIA)
HORIZON.2.4.4 Advanced Materials
HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-02 Innovative technologies for sustainable and decarbonised extraction (RIA)