VisiOn | Visual Privacy Management in User Centric Open Environments

Public Administration (PA) authorities are working towards upgrading the level of their
online services through new governance models such as the Open Government. This pushes
for greater transparency, accountability and innovation aiming at increasing citizen levels of
confidence and trust in PA online services. In this context, user data privacy is an important
issue. VisiOn will deliver a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Visual Privacy
Management Platform, which empowers any citizen to achieve desired levels of privacy by
creating and monitoring a personal Privacy Level Agreement. The platform will provide clear
visualisation of privacy preferences, relevant threats and trust issues along with an insight into
the economic value of user data. The platform will equip PAs with the right tools to improve
the transparency and accountability of their operations, by supporting visual analysis of (i)
privacy issues at different levels (e.g. design, run-time) and perspectives (i.e. citizen, PA); (ii)
regulation compliance; and (iii) business/operational processes. The VisiOn consortium will
leverage existing software, tools and methodologies, which partners have developed in
previous projects, towards the implementation of the privacy platform software components.
The latter will be tested in an operational environment (i.e. TRL 7), in three different pilot
scenarios across two different scenario types (i.e. citizen/PA & PA/cross-border PA). Pilots
will involve users from three European countries. Driven by the lack of appropriate products
in the market, as identified by the relevant market analysis, the VisiOn exploitation strategy is
based on commercialisation of the project results at three levels: platform-as-a-whole,
fragments of the platform, and partner individual exploitation. This strategy will enable
partners to integrate the project results into their existing commercial offerings, thus
exploring and establishing new business opportunities and ventures.
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More information & hyperlinks
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Start date: 01-07-2015
End date: 30-06-2017
Total budget - Public funding: 3 161 000,00 Euro - 2 748 912,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Public Administration (PA) authorities are working towards upgrading the level of their
online services through new governance models such as the Open Government. This pushes
for greater transparency, accountability and innovation aiming at increasing citizen levels of
confidence and trust in PA online services. In this context, user data privacy is an important
issue. VisiOn will deliver a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Visual Privacy
Management Platform, which empowers any citizen to achieve desired levels of privacy by
creating and monitoring a personal Privacy Level Agreement. The platform will provide clear
visualisation of privacy preferences, relevant threats and trust issues along with an insight into
the economic value of user data. The platform will equip PAs with the right tools to improve
the transparency and accountability of their operations, by supporting visual analysis of (i)
privacy issues at different levels (e.g. design, run-time) and perspectives (i.e. citizen, PA); (ii)
regulation compliance; and (iii) business/operational processes. The VisiOn consortium will
leverage existing software, tools and methodologies, which partners have developed in
previous projects, towards the implementation of the privacy platform software components.
The latter will be tested in an operational environment (i.e. TRL 7), in three different pilot
scenarios across two different scenario types (i.e. citizen/PA & PA/cross-border PA). Pilots
will involve users from three European countries. Driven by the lack of appropriate products
in the market, as identified by the relevant market analysis, the VisiOn exploitation strategy is
based on commercialisation of the project results at three levels: platform-as-a-whole,
fragments of the platform, and partner individual exploitation. This strategy will enable
partners to integrate the project results into their existing commercial offerings, thus
exploring and establishing new business opportunities and ventures.



Call topic


Update Date

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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.7. Secure societies - Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
H2020-EU.3.7.0. Cross-cutting call topics
DS-01-2014 Privacy