WISDOM | Well-being improvement through the Integration of healthcare and reSearch Data and models with Out border for chronic iMmune-mediated diseases

Enabling integration of medical and research data, secure data sharing and leveraging responsible state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI)-mediated models opens immense possibilities to mitigate the impact of chronic immune-mediated diseases (CIMDs) affecting 10% of Europeans. Eight European universities, leaders in the medical and analytical field, three SMEs, one research institute and one company, at the forefront of clinical AI implementation, data infrastructure, and security, and a Patient Organisation formed the consortium WISDOM. The consortium's overarching aim is to convert complex biological information from the existing data sources into actionable insights. WISDOM builds on the premise that computational tools can provide valuable knowledge and guide decision-making at critical stages in the individual patient journey, from diagnosis to treatment initiation and optimisation. To unlock the potential of the existing data, WISDOM will address barriers of data integration and accessibility and deploy novel approaches for data processing, harmonisation, integration, and secure, trustworthy data sharing with federated access. WISDOM aims to develop computational risk stratification and outcome prediction models and tools in different CIMD use cases, building on large EU-funded multimodal datasets, and prospectively validate them on technical, clinical and user aspects to facilitate data-driven and patient-focused diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring. WISDOM aims to promote the widespread utilisation of data and facilitate responsible and critical assessment of the use of AI in healthcare using an end-user guided approach leveraging collaboration among clinicians, researchers, legal and AI experts, patient associations and rich stakeholder expertise. WISDOM’s ultimate ambition is to revolutionise the integration, management, and analysis of health data across diseases and borders to promote personalised interventions and well-being.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101137154
Start date: 01-12-2023
End date: 30-11-2028
Total budget - Public funding: 9 598 516,50 Euro - 9 598 516,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Enabling integration of medical and research data, secure data sharing and leveraging responsible state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI)-mediated models opens immense possibilities to mitigate the impact of chronic immune-mediated diseases (CIMDs) affecting 10% of Europeans. Eight European universities, leaders in the medical and analytical field, three SMEs, one research institute and one company, at the forefront of clinical AI implementation, data infrastructure, and security, and a Patient Organisation formed the consortium WISDOM. The consortium's overarching aim is to convert complex biological information from the existing data sources into actionable insights. WISDOM builds on the premise that computational tools can provide valuable knowledge and guide decision-making at critical stages in the individual patient journey, from diagnosis to treatment initiation and optimisation. To unlock the potential of the existing data, WISDOM will address barriers of data integration and accessibility and deploy novel approaches for data processing, harmonisation, integration, and secure, trustworthy data sharing with federated access. WISDOM aims to develop computational risk stratification and outcome prediction models and tools in different CIMD use cases, building on large EU-funded multimodal datasets, and prospectively validate them on technical, clinical and user aspects to facilitate data-driven and patient-focused diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring. WISDOM aims to promote the widespread utilisation of data and facilitate responsible and critical assessment of the use of AI in healthcare using an end-user guided approach leveraging collaboration among clinicians, researchers, legal and AI experts, patient associations and rich stakeholder expertise. WISDOM’s ultimate ambition is to revolutionise the integration, management, and analysis of health data across diseases and borders to promote personalised interventions and well-being.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.1 Health
HORIZON.2.1.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-HLTH-2023-TOOL-05-04 Better integration and use of health-related real-world and research data, including genomics, for improved clinical outcomes
HORIZON.2.1.5 Tools, Technologies and Digital Solutions for Health and Care, including personalised medicine
HORIZON-HLTH-2023-TOOL-05-04 Better integration and use of health-related real-world and research data, including genomics, for improved clinical outcomes