InDiCo-Global | Global International Digital Cooperation on standards and related policy

InDiCo-Global follows-up on the InDiCo project implemented by ETSI, extending and complementing its action in a new set of targeted geographies within low and middle income economies while leveraging methodology, networks and knowledge developed during the execution of InDiCo.
The proposal aims at building bridges between technical communities as well as policy makers on topics relating to Digital policies and the related ICT standardisation priorities, with a view to develop mutual understanding of policy, regulatory and technical approaches to ICT/digital as well as to enhance cooperation on ICT standards and seek alignment in policies and regulations, leading to a wider use of EU standards, in turn supporting increased trade and propagation of EU values.
InDiCo-Global will therefore:
- develop a sound understanding of the policy, regulatory and standardization landscape of partner countries/regions
- foster awareness of the European Standardisation System (ESS), its deliverables in the context of ICT/Digital and how they support global acceptance and interoperability,
- promote EU policies and standards (developed or in the making) for select ICT/digital technologies and develop cooperation around them,
- create and leverage opportunities for capacity building with partner countries/regions
While InDiCo was implemented by ETSI only, InDiCo-Global will see all three formal European Standardization Organizations (ESOs) join forces and leverage their unparalleled ability to combine their respective models and reach into all possible standardization-related communities: formal (ISO/IEC/ITU, national standards bodies) or not, national, regional or global, traditional or novel/disruptive (e.g. open source groups). With support of experts in communication, dissemination and exploitation (Martel) as well as handling of FSTP (Trust-IT), InDiCo-Global will be best positioned to contribute to a human-centred and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies.
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Start date: 01-01-2024
End date: 31-12-2026
Total budget - Public funding: - 2 490 345,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

InDiCo-Global follows-up on the InDiCo project implemented by ETSI, extending and complementing its action in a new set of targeted geographies within low and middle income economies while leveraging methodology, networks and knowledge developed during the execution of InDiCo.
The proposal aims at building bridges between technical communities as well as policy makers on topics relating to Digital policies and the related ICT standardisation priorities, with a view to develop mutual understanding of policy, regulatory and technical approaches to ICT/digital as well as to enhance cooperation on ICT standards and seek alignment in policies and regulations, leading to a wider use of EU standards, in turn supporting increased trade and propagation of EU values.
InDiCo-Global will therefore:
- develop a sound understanding of the policy, regulatory and standardization landscape of partner countries/regions
- foster awareness of the European Standardisation System (ESS), its deliverables in the context of ICT/Digital and how they support global acceptance and interoperability,
- promote EU policies and standards (developed or in the making) for select ICT/digital technologies and develop cooperation around them,
- create and leverage opportunities for capacity building with partner countries/regions
While InDiCo was implemented by ETSI only, InDiCo-Global will see all three formal European Standardization Organizations (ESOs) join forces and leverage their unparalleled ability to combine their respective models and reach into all possible standardization-related communities: formal (ISO/IEC/ITU, national standards bodies) or not, national, regional or global, traditional or novel/disruptive (e.g. open source groups). With support of experts in communication, dissemination and exploitation (Martel) as well as handling of FSTP (Trust-IT), InDiCo-Global will be best positioned to contribute to a human-centred and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.4 Digital, Industry and Space
HORIZON.2.4.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-66 Promoting EU standards globally (CSA)
HORIZON.2.4.2 Key Digital Technologies
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-66 Promoting EU standards globally (CSA)