FITTER-EU | Fair and inclusive twin transitions for a stronger social Europe

FITTER-EU (FITTER) aims to contribute to existing research on the origins, dynamics and determinants of inequalities and enable anticipatory governance to support a fair and inclusive twin transition in Europe. The project innovates by the formulation and development of an ecosystem (FITTER ecosystem) that pivotally includes a highly interactive and gamified Digital Platform powered by an Intelligent Predictive Decision Support System. Through a co-creation methodological approach, this ecosystem will enable policymakers to predict which social groups may be at risk of being adversely affected by twin transition policies under different scenarios, with the option to simulate the implementation of these policies to assess inequalities and social exclusion risks. The Digital Platform within the ecosystem will provide proposed mitigation measures and better practice guides that can be used to curve potential negative effects of policies on identified at-risk groups. The FITTER ecosystem also incorporates wider platform connectivity capability and better practice guides which, through a foresight engagement process, will help to meet the needs of the engaging FITTER Cluster Community Group of Stakeholders (CCGS). The CCGS includes key pan-European members such as policymakers, civil society organisations including trade unions, as well as business angels among other targets.
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Start date: 01-02-2024
End date: 31-01-2027
Total budget - Public funding: 2 999 875,00 Euro - 2 999 875,00 Euro
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FITTER-EU (FITTER) aims to contribute to existing research on the origins, dynamics and determinants of inequalities and enable anticipatory governance to support a fair and inclusive twin transition in Europe. The project innovates by the formulation and development of an ecosystem (FITTER ecosystem) that pivotally includes a highly interactive and gamified Digital Platform powered by an Intelligent Predictive Decision Support System. Through a co-creation methodological approach, this ecosystem will enable policymakers to predict which social groups may be at risk of being adversely affected by twin transition policies under different scenarios, with the option to simulate the implementation of these policies to assess inequalities and social exclusion risks. The Digital Platform within the ecosystem will provide proposed mitigation measures and better practice guides that can be used to curve potential negative effects of policies on identified at-risk groups. The FITTER ecosystem also incorporates wider platform connectivity capability and better practice guides which, through a foresight engagement process, will help to meet the needs of the engaging FITTER Cluster Community Group of Stakeholders (CCGS). The CCGS includes key pan-European members such as policymakers, civil society organisations including trade unions, as well as business angels among other targets.



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