H2SHIFT – Services for Hydrogen Innovation Facilitation and Testing aims to create the first Open Innovation Test Bed for innovative hydrogen production technologies open to startups and SMEs from Europe and globally.
H2SHIFT will be a Single Entry Point offering open access to unrivalled resources, innovative infrastructures, unique expertise and capabilities, arranged in a challenging Acceleration Programme. The proposed innovation model combines:
• Hydrogen production testing services, including 7 test lines grouped in 4 clusters (Advanced water electrolysis, Bio-hydrogen, Direct-solar Hydrogen production, Hydrogen production in offshore environment);
• Technology upscaling services, such as Prototyping for industrial scalability, and Computational modelling;
• Non-technical services, among Techno-economic and environmental assessment, Legal and regulation compliance, and Business development.
The initiative boosts the Clean H2 JU SRIA on the path towards the upscaling of unmatched and competitive hydrogen production technologies distinctively trailblazing innovation in high-temperature and AEM electrolysis, bio-hydrogen, direct-solar and offshore H2 production, to build a complete portfolio with existing OITB projects dedicated to AEL and PEM technologies.
H2SHIFT kickstarts a collaborative ecosystem throughout Europe that links research, academia, and industry, along with final investors, working closely with startups and SMEs to advance groundbreaking solutions that will be demonstrated in industrial environment to advance their technology readiness and market uptake. Remarkably, H2SHIIFT scales up an open pay-per-use hub intended to circumvent expensive costs for early-stage innovators, lowering investment risks for potential investors and contributing to attract private capital for innovation. It contributes to make hydrogen a key part of a cleaner and more secure energy future, and a catalyst for EU leadership in innovative hydrogen technologies.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101137953
Start date: 01-03-2024
End date: 29-02-2028
Total budget - Public funding: 9 056 517,00 Euro - 7 211 180,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

H2SHIFT – Services for Hydrogen Innovation Facilitation and Testing aims to create the first Open Innovation Test Bed for innovative hydrogen production technologies open to startups and SMEs from Europe and globally.
H2SHIFT will be a Single Entry Point offering open access to unrivalled resources, innovative infrastructures, unique expertise and capabilities, arranged in a challenging Acceleration Programme. The proposed innovation model combines:
• Hydrogen production testing services, including 7 test lines grouped in 4 clusters (Advanced water electrolysis, Bio-hydrogen, Direct-solar Hydrogen production, Hydrogen production in offshore environment);
• Technology upscaling services, such as Prototyping for industrial scalability, and Computational modelling;
• Non-technical services, among Techno-economic and environmental assessment, Legal and regulation compliance, and Business development.
The initiative boosts the Clean H2 JU SRIA on the path towards the upscaling of unmatched and competitive hydrogen production technologies distinctively trailblazing innovation in high-temperature and AEM electrolysis, bio-hydrogen, direct-solar and offshore H2 production, to build a complete portfolio with existing OITB projects dedicated to AEL and PEM technologies.
H2SHIFT kickstarts a collaborative ecosystem throughout Europe that links research, academia, and industry, along with final investors, working closely with startups and SMEs to advance groundbreaking solutions that will be demonstrated in industrial environment to advance their technology readiness and market uptake. Remarkably, H2SHIIFT scales up an open pay-per-use hub intended to circumvent expensive costs for early-stage innovators, lowering investment risks for potential investors and contributing to attract private capital for innovation. It contributes to make hydrogen a key part of a cleaner and more secure energy future, and a catalyst for EU leadership in innovative hydrogen technologies.



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