TRANSEATION | Advancing Ecosystem-Based Management through Hybrid Blue-Grey Infrastructures in Marine and Coastal Areas

The TRANSEATION main objective is to demonstrate the effectiveness of marine and coastal hybrid blue-grey infrastructures and validate a new level of ecosystem-based management combining nature-based solutions, social implication digitalization to the protection and restoration of marine ecosystem health and services. To ensure the success of this main objective, the TRANSEATION project counts on partners and collaborators with broad expertise in relevant areas covering four types of entities in the project (from research and technological centers to companies and offshore industrial operators) as follows: managerial (CMCC, IOW, GLP, CTN), industrial (SAITEC, ITASKORDA, GEOCORAIL, CCELL), scientifical (OE, UOH, CMCC, AZTI, GAIKER, IOW, DTU, CTN) and participatory (SO, ECOOCEAN, AZTI, CTN, CMCC). In addition, this project implements three user cases towards marine and coastal infrastructures, considering the different life cycle stages. Then, the following 5 specific objectives are identified:
Specific objective 1. Apply EBM through a systema approach to integrate hybrid NbS in marine and coastal infrastructures to support the preservation and restoration of marine biodiversity and ecosystem services simultaneously with addressing multiple societal challenges (environmental, social and economic benefits).
Specific objective 2. Demonstrate the effectiveness of [3] type of coastal and marine infrastructures as hybrid NbS both to preserve ecosystems and support their restoration considering its replicability and scaled-up.
Specific objective 3. To identify limiting factors, gaps and current issues of existing LEED initiative regarding “blue building”, setting up links with previous projects.
Specific objective 4. To analyze the benefits and potential trade-off of these hybrid solutions in short and long-term for marine biodiversity and ecosystem services protection and restoration.
Specific objective 5. Digital solutions for monitoring, analysis and social involvement
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Start date: 01-01-2024
End date: 30-06-2027
Total budget - Public funding: - 4 999 582,00 Euro
Cordis data

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The TRANSEATION main objective is to demonstrate the effectiveness of marine and coastal hybrid blue-grey infrastructures and validate a new level of ecosystem-based management combining nature-based solutions, social implication digitalization to the protection and restoration of marine ecosystem health and services. To ensure the success of this main objective, the TRANSEATION project counts on partners and collaborators with broad expertise in relevant areas covering four types of entities in the project (from research and technological centers to companies and offshore industrial operators) as follows: managerial (CMCC, IOW, GLP, CTN), industrial (SAITEC, ITASKORDA, GEOCORAIL, CCELL), scientifical (OE, UOH, CMCC, AZTI, GAIKER, IOW, DTU, CTN) and participatory (SO, ECOOCEAN, AZTI, CTN, CMCC). In addition, this project implements three user cases towards marine and coastal infrastructures, considering the different life cycle stages. Then, the following 5 specific objectives are identified:
Specific objective 1. Apply EBM through a systema approach to integrate hybrid NbS in marine and coastal infrastructures to support the preservation and restoration of marine biodiversity and ecosystem services simultaneously with addressing multiple societal challenges (environmental, social and economic benefits).
Specific objective 2. Demonstrate the effectiveness of [3] type of coastal and marine infrastructures as hybrid NbS both to preserve ecosystems and support their restoration considering its replicability and scaled-up.
Specific objective 3. To identify limiting factors, gaps and current issues of existing LEED initiative regarding “blue building”, setting up links with previous projects.
Specific objective 4. To analyze the benefits and potential trade-off of these hybrid solutions in short and long-term for marine biodiversity and ecosystem services protection and restoration.
Specific objective 5. Digital solutions for monitoring, analysis and social involvement



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.6 Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
HORIZON.2.6.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-CL6-2023-BIODIV-01-7 Demonstration of marine and coastal infrastructures as hybrid blue-grey Nature-based Solutions