SIXTHSENSE | Smart integrated extreme environment health monitor with sensory feedback for enhanced situation awareness

SIXTHSENSE is a multidisciplinary innovation and research action with the overall aim to significantly improve efficacy and safety of first responders’ deployment in hazardous environments by optimising on-site team coordination and mission execution.
Between the booming EU economy and the climate change, the number and consequences of disasters occurring in inaccessible rural areas is on a constant rise. First responder deployments in extreme conditions such as fighting wildfires or alpine search and rescue missions have gone from exceptional to regular events in only a couple of decades. As this trend is likely to continue, the risks for wellbeing of the engaged first responders continue to grow. To avoid the loss of life or lasting consequences on the first responders’ health, it is important that the key physiological parameters of deployed operatives are monitored in a way that provides timely and actionable information, without hindering their operational capacity.
The SIXTHSENSE is a wearable health monitoring system with closed loop tactile biofeedback, that allows first responders in hazardous situations to sense their current health status. It allows early detection of risk factors that could lead to rapid deterioration of health or operation capabilities of first responders, by leveraging predictive models based on multimodal biosensor data. As a team management tool it enables real-time monitoring of all deployed operatives, helping increase team effectiveness and operational safety.
To help accelerate the pace of technological advancements aimed at first responders, beyond the scope of the project, SIXTHSENSE will establish a novel research methodology for sustainable inclusion of first responders in a co-development process. A comprehensive framework will allow practitioners to significantly contribute in all stages of the development process, without excessively burdening the first responders with activities outside the domain of their expertise.
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Start date: 01-05-2020
End date: 31-10-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 7 242 442,00 Euro - 7 242 442,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

SIXTHSENSE is a multidisciplinary innovation and research action with the overall aim to significantly improve efficacy and safety of first responders’ deployment in hazardous environments by optimising on-site team coordination and mission execution.
Between the booming EU economy and the climate change, the number and consequences of disasters occurring in inaccessible rural areas is on a constant rise. First responder deployments in extreme conditions such as fighting wildfires or alpine search and rescue missions have gone from exceptional to regular events in only a couple of decades. As this trend is likely to continue, the risks for wellbeing of the engaged first responders continue to grow. To avoid the loss of life or lasting consequences on the first responders’ health, it is important that the key physiological parameters of deployed operatives are monitored in a way that provides timely and actionable information, without hindering their operational capacity.
The SIXTHSENSE is a wearable health monitoring system with closed loop tactile biofeedback, that allows first responders in hazardous situations to sense their current health status. It allows early detection of risk factors that could lead to rapid deterioration of health or operation capabilities of first responders, by leveraging predictive models based on multimodal biosensor data. As a team management tool it enables real-time monitoring of all deployed operatives, helping increase team effectiveness and operational safety.
To help accelerate the pace of technological advancements aimed at first responders, beyond the scope of the project, SIXTHSENSE will establish a novel research methodology for sustainable inclusion of first responders in a co-development process. A comprehensive framework will allow practitioners to significantly contribute in all stages of the development process, without excessively burdening the first responders with activities outside the domain of their expertise.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.7. Secure societies - Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
H2020-EU.3.7.0. Cross-cutting call topics
SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020 Technologies for first responders
H2020-EU.3.7.6. Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management
SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020 Technologies for first responders
SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020 Technologies for first responders
SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020 Technologies for first responders