To achieve the aim of the topic, a systematic approach will be developed and applied to select H2020 results and owners, to support the project development and finally to derive Innovation Fund-ready projects.
The ETS Innovation Fund (IF) fosters low-carbon processes and technologies – and many results from H2020 provide promising solutions to be deployed. However, translating R&D results into products and processes and developing viable business cases is a major effort. Beyond that, it is a further great step to mobilise investors and stakeholders to make the projects fly. The IF regulations are challenging for the industry. To cope with all challenges related to the project development and preparation phase of future IF projects, DIAMONDS4IF is designed to a) securing the viability and readiness of the projects, b) enabling applicants to prepare IF applications, c) developing a comprehensive approach towards stakeholders, investors, the public, and across the value chain, d) creating understanding of and preparing compliance with relevant regulations, guidelines, and framework conditions and e) solving questions and challenges arising from the project planning in line with funding requirements and award criteria. Through exemplary work on specific use cases in the field of renewable energy, a toolbox with the necessary methods and tools will be developed and applied. One of the major outputs of the project will be at least 5 sound proposals including the detailed plans for scalability, commercialisation, and financial models to be presented to the IF. Over the medium term, DIAMONDS4IF will develop and nurture a continuous innovation pipeline from H2020 innovations to deployment, which will exploit the synergies between the programmes. The use cases will e.g. directly implement REPower and climate relevant projects, comprising for example ~100MW offshore hybrid energy; 1.5GW of PV manufacturing capacity; 10GW of resource-efficient wafer production in Europe.
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Start date: 01-01-2024
End date: 31-12-2026
Total budget - Public funding: - 901 734,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

To achieve the aim of the topic, a systematic approach will be developed and applied to select H2020 results and owners, to support the project development and finally to derive Innovation Fund-ready projects.
The ETS Innovation Fund (IF) fosters low-carbon processes and technologies – and many results from H2020 provide promising solutions to be deployed. However, translating R&D results into products and processes and developing viable business cases is a major effort. Beyond that, it is a further great step to mobilise investors and stakeholders to make the projects fly. The IF regulations are challenging for the industry. To cope with all challenges related to the project development and preparation phase of future IF projects, DIAMONDS4IF is designed to a) securing the viability and readiness of the projects, b) enabling applicants to prepare IF applications, c) developing a comprehensive approach towards stakeholders, investors, the public, and across the value chain, d) creating understanding of and preparing compliance with relevant regulations, guidelines, and framework conditions and e) solving questions and challenges arising from the project planning in line with funding requirements and award criteria. Through exemplary work on specific use cases in the field of renewable energy, a toolbox with the necessary methods and tools will be developed and applied. One of the major outputs of the project will be at least 5 sound proposals including the detailed plans for scalability, commercialisation, and financial models to be presented to the IF. Over the medium term, DIAMONDS4IF will develop and nurture a continuous innovation pipeline from H2020 innovations to deployment, which will exploit the synergies between the programmes. The use cases will e.g. directly implement REPower and climate relevant projects, comprising for example ~100MW offshore hybrid energy; 1.5GW of PV manufacturing capacity; 10GW of resource-efficient wafer production in Europe.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.5 Climate, Energy and Mobility
HORIZON.2.5.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-01-07 Support for the deployment of R&I results for climate mitigation. Synergies with the ETS Innovation Fund