iProcureSecurity PCP | Pre-Commercial Procurement of Innovative Triage Management Systems Strengthening Resilience and Interoperability of Emergency Medical Services

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Europe are characterised by a heterogeneous landscape with diverse organisational setups, technology standards, coordination mechanisms and actors. This is the result of different historical and institutional contexts. However, these EMS are united by the common aim of providing timely care to victims of sudden and life-threatening emergencies or disasters in cross-border settings and international humanitarian missions. Fostering the response capacities and increasing the cooperation of the Emergency Medical Services Systems (EMSS) is of decisive importance for strengthening the resilience of European societies.

During the prior iProcureSecurity project, a large number of EMS were involved to identify, evaluate and prioritise future challenges and needs. The creation of an interoperable, flexible triage management system supported by modern technologies was among the most requested solutions in the context of security-related scenarios.
This iProcureSecurity PCP action is a result of those intense participatory consultation processes. The action will lead to an innovative triage management system that provides a) quick and accurate overview of victims and their status; b) decision support for better allocation of available resources and quicker support for patients; c) improved interoperability with other first responders and relevant actors; d) reduced handover times between ambulance transport and hospitals; and e) insights for quality assurance and training measures.

Following the EC Guidelines on Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP), through a competitive series of design, prototype and pilot steps, the iProcureSecurity PCP will contract suppliers to deliver the creation and deployment of the envisaged triage management system.
Besides the buyers within the consortium, additional observers and experts will participate to contribute to the Pan-European improvement in this field and to proactively share PCP knowledge.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101022061
Start date: 01-09-2021
End date: 31-10-2024
Total budget - Public funding: 11 998 660,00 Euro - 10 798 794,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Europe are characterised by a heterogeneous landscape with diverse organisational setups, technology standards, coordination mechanisms and actors. This is the result of different historical and institutional contexts. However, these EMS are united by the common aim of providing timely care to victims of sudden and life-threatening emergencies or disasters in cross-border settings and international humanitarian missions. Fostering the response capacities and increasing the cooperation of the Emergency Medical Services Systems (EMSS) is of decisive importance for strengthening the resilience of European societies.

During the prior iProcureSecurity project, a large number of EMS were involved to identify, evaluate and prioritise future challenges and needs. The creation of an interoperable, flexible triage management system supported by modern technologies was among the most requested solutions in the context of security-related scenarios.
This iProcureSecurity PCP action is a result of those intense participatory consultation processes. The action will lead to an innovative triage management system that provides a) quick and accurate overview of victims and their status; b) decision support for better allocation of available resources and quicker support for patients; c) improved interoperability with other first responders and relevant actors; d) reduced handover times between ambulance transport and hospitals; and e) insights for quality assurance and training measures.

Following the EC Guidelines on Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP), through a competitive series of design, prototype and pilot steps, the iProcureSecurity PCP will contract suppliers to deliver the creation and deployment of the envisaged triage management system.
Besides the buyers within the consortium, additional observers and experts will participate to contribute to the Pan-European improvement in this field and to proactively share PCP knowledge.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.7. Secure societies - Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
H2020-EU.3.7.1. Fight crime, illegal trafficking and terrorism, including understanding and tackling terrorist ideas and beliefs
SU-GM02-2018-2020 Strategic pre-commercial procurements of innovative, advanced systems to support security
H2020-EU.3.7.2. Protect and improve the resilience of critical infrastructures, supply chains and tranport modes
SU-GM02-2018-2020 Strategic pre-commercial procurements of innovative, advanced systems to support security
H2020-EU.3.7.3. Strengthen security through border management
SU-GM02-2018-2020 Strategic pre-commercial procurements of innovative, advanced systems to support security
H2020-EU.3.7.6. Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management
SU-GM02-2018-2020 Strategic pre-commercial procurements of innovative, advanced systems to support security
H2020-EU.3.7.7. Enhance stadardisation and interoperability of systems, including for emergency purposes
SU-GM02-2018-2020 Strategic pre-commercial procurements of innovative, advanced systems to support security