BeeOmetrics | BeeOmetrics: an AI-powered predictive platform based on wild bee activity for targeted environmental management.

"In response to the EU Green Deal's call for enhanced environmental responsibility, BeeOdiversity's BeeOmetrics project addresses the Environmental Intelligence Challenge. The rising human-induced pollution poses significant risks to ecosystems, soil, water, and air quality. Our innovative solution aims to bridge existing gaps within the EU by introducing cost-effective ""green"" technologies for environmental monitoring and remediation.
BeeOmetrics combines a nature-based, low-cost, on-site monitoring device with a powerful AI platform. It efficiently integrates, aggregates, and interprets data collected from various on-site sources, including biological, chemical, and physical remote sensors. This integrated approach, bolstered by AI, harnesses wild bees found throughout Europe as scalable environmental bioindicators. Our primary focus is monitoring specific pollution and biodiversity metrics, facilitating in-depth ecosystem health analysis, and generating predictive recommendations for remediating environmental contaminants and revitalizing biodiversity.
BeeOmetrics is designed to offer decision-ready, information-based guidance to policymakers and land managers. It provides easily understandable and scalable ecosystem metrics and recommendations, empowering them to make informed choices. Our project seeks to reduce environmental pollution by developing safe and sustainable pilot-scale prototypes. In doing so, we aim to raise awareness of the delicate balance between human activities and natural systems. Ultimately, BeeOmetrics contributes to the evolution of an EU ""environmental monitoring and remediation-based"" economy, simplifying environmental policy-making through environmental intelligence.
BeeOmetrics project stands at the forefront of shaping policies for environmental sustainability, preventing biodiversity loss, fostering economic growth, and promoting human health. In this way, we are dedicated to advancing the cause of Environmental Intelligence."
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Start date: 01-03-2024
End date: 28-02-2027
Total budget - Public funding: 2 485 833,75 Euro - 2 485 833,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

"In response to the EU Green Deal's call for enhanced environmental responsibility, BeeOdiversity's BeeOmetrics project addresses the Environmental Intelligence Challenge. The rising human-induced pollution poses significant risks to ecosystems, soil, water, and air quality. Our innovative solution aims to bridge existing gaps within the EU by introducing cost-effective ""green"" technologies for environmental monitoring and remediation.
BeeOmetrics combines a nature-based, low-cost, on-site monitoring device with a powerful AI platform. It efficiently integrates, aggregates, and interprets data collected from various on-site sources, including biological, chemical, and physical remote sensors. This integrated approach, bolstered by AI, harnesses wild bees found throughout Europe as scalable environmental bioindicators. Our primary focus is monitoring specific pollution and biodiversity metrics, facilitating in-depth ecosystem health analysis, and generating predictive recommendations for remediating environmental contaminants and revitalizing biodiversity.
BeeOmetrics is designed to offer decision-ready, information-based guidance to policymakers and land managers. It provides easily understandable and scalable ecosystem metrics and recommendations, empowering them to make informed choices. Our project seeks to reduce environmental pollution by developing safe and sustainable pilot-scale prototypes. In doing so, we aim to raise awareness of the delicate balance between human activities and natural systems. Ultimately, BeeOmetrics contributes to the evolution of an EU ""environmental monitoring and remediation-based"" economy, simplifying environmental policy-making through environmental intelligence.
BeeOmetrics project stands at the forefront of shaping policies for environmental sustainability, preventing biodiversity loss, fostering economic growth, and promoting human health. In this way, we are dedicated to advancing the cause of Environmental Intelligence."



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.3 Innovative Europe
HORIZON.3.1 The European Innovation Council (EIC)
HORIZON.3.1.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-EIC-2023-TRANSITIONCHALLENGES-02 EIC Transition Challenge: Environmental Intelligence?