HYDRUSTENT | Hydrogel Biodegradable Ureteral Stent

Hydrumedical S.A. (HYD) team is composed by a urologist and biomaterials scientists that will revolutionise the treatment of ureteral disorders. Hydrustent is a biodegradable, hydrogel-based, soft, lubricated, and flexible stent. These properties prevent bacterial adhesion (>80% of the stent-related complications) and encrustation development. Nowadays, the application of stents requires a 2nd removal procedure, a burden for patients and healthcare systems. Hydrustent is homogeneously degraded by the urine flow within 7-10 days, eliminating the need of further interventions for its removal. Hydrustent will bring huge health benefits for patients and reduce up to 60% of treatment costs (4.3B€ savings for the health system in EU+US). Validated by the urology community, with a global Ureteral Stents Market raising (~604M€ by 2030), if Hydrustent project is successfully implemented, we intend to reach the EU market in 2024 with profits amounting to 25M€, 5 years after product launch.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/190169028
Start date: 01-12-2023
End date: 30-11-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 2 225 375,00 Euro - 1 522 762,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Hydrumedical S.A. (HYD) team is composed by a urologist and biomaterials scientists that will revolutionise the treatment of ureteral disorders. Hydrustent is a biodegradable, hydrogel-based, soft, lubricated, and flexible stent. These properties prevent bacterial adhesion (>80% of the stent-related complications) and encrustation development. Nowadays, the application of stents requires a 2nd removal procedure, a burden for patients and healthcare systems. Hydrustent is homogeneously degraded by the urine flow within 7-10 days, eliminating the need of further interventions for its removal. Hydrustent will bring huge health benefits for patients and reduce up to 60% of treatment costs (4.3B€ savings for the health system in EU+US). Validated by the urology community, with a global Ureteral Stents Market raising (~604M€ by 2030), if Hydrustent project is successfully implemented, we intend to reach the EU market in 2024 with profits amounting to 25M€, 5 years after product launch.



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