Twinspect | First fast and automated (<5 min) AI-based inspection to increase operational safety of large critical infrastructure, e.g., bridges, dams, and oil & gas platforms and refineries

The global inspection, repair, and maintenance market (TAM) is valued at €42.2B. Demand is driven by increasing urbanisation. In Europe, most of the infrastructure is now reaching its 50-100 years lifespan as it was built in the 50s and 60s following the Marshall plan. The drone inspection and monitoring market (SAM) is growing rapidly and is currently valued at €11.1B. Drone inspections enable OPEX & CAPEX savings and keep inspectors safe on the ground. This is driving the demand for data management solutions (one bridge inspection generates >30GB of data), and provides a unique opportunity for intelligence service providers, like us, to enter the market with innovative AI-based solutions that simplify and automate infrastructure inspection. Twinspect is the first photogrammetry solution to enable the inspection of photorealistic 3D models of the infrastructure directly, rather than having to inspect and annotate (often multiple times) defects in large (>2k) photo libraries manually.
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Start date: 01-12-2023
End date: 30-11-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 3 567 750,00 Euro - 2 497 425,00 Euro
Cordis data

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The global inspection, repair, and maintenance market (TAM) is valued at €42.2B. Demand is driven by increasing urbanisation. In Europe, most of the infrastructure is now reaching its 50-100 years lifespan as it was built in the 50s and 60s following the Marshall plan. The drone inspection and monitoring market (SAM) is growing rapidly and is currently valued at €11.1B. Drone inspections enable OPEX & CAPEX savings and keep inspectors safe on the ground. This is driving the demand for data management solutions (one bridge inspection generates >30GB of data), and provides a unique opportunity for intelligence service providers, like us, to enter the market with innovative AI-based solutions that simplify and automate infrastructure inspection. Twinspect is the first photogrammetry solution to enable the inspection of photorealistic 3D models of the infrastructure directly, rather than having to inspect and annotate (often multiple times) defects in large (>2k) photo libraries manually.



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