OCEANBATTERY | Unlocking the full potential of renewable energy with the Ocean Battery

The Ocean Battery is a CES Best-of-Innovation Award winning breakthrough solution based on proprietary Key Enabling Technology to solve the huge challenge of balancing supply & demand for the global offshore e-Power
industry due to intermittent production of wind power. Our patented and sustainably produced Ocean Battery system substantially lowers the CAPEX for the massively expensive offshore power grid, generating a very high ROI for the unique Ocean Battery. Soon, weather conditions dictate the timing
of renewable energy production, causing large fluctuations. Oversupply, resulting in negative energy prices and even blackouts create a market in excess of € 200 bn for energy storage. This project demonstrates the Ocean Battery in a lake: a full-scale operational system to show and validate the
operation, installation, and maintenance processes. After that, the solution is ready to scale offshore and support the energy transition by providing GWh-scale ecofriendly energy storage.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/190140124
Start date: 01-07-2023
End date: 30-06-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 4 434 373,75 Euro - 2 499 999,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The Ocean Battery is a CES Best-of-Innovation Award winning breakthrough solution based on proprietary Key Enabling Technology to solve the huge challenge of balancing supply & demand for the global offshore e-Power
industry due to intermittent production of wind power. Our patented and sustainably produced Ocean Battery system substantially lowers the CAPEX for the massively expensive offshore power grid, generating a very high ROI for the unique Ocean Battery. Soon, weather conditions dictate the timing
of renewable energy production, causing large fluctuations. Oversupply, resulting in negative energy prices and even blackouts create a market in excess of € 200 bn for energy storage. This project demonstrates the Ocean Battery in a lake: a full-scale operational system to show and validate the
operation, installation, and maintenance processes. After that, the solution is ready to scale offshore and support the energy transition by providing GWh-scale ecofriendly energy storage.



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