ALLIES | Artificial inteLLigence In sustainable dEvelopment goalS

ALLIES (“Artificial inteLLigence In sustainable dEvelopment goalS”) is a new excellent collaborative postdoctoral programme led by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and coordinated through the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) for the recruitment of 17 postdoctoral researchers to provide a new dimension through highly interdisciplinary & intersectoral research in the broad topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in alignment with the SDGs while maintaining the highest research quality standards. The programme includes the participation of 18 different CSIC research institutes expert in the fields of AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Robotics & Data Science as Implementing organisations recruiting fellows. In addition to offering a bottom-up approach for multidisciplinary research topics in one of the 8 AI challenges covered in CSIC’s AI White Paper, the programme provides a tailor-made training programme to educate tomorrow’s AI researchers & entrepreneurs in a broad set of scientific, transferable, and business skills. ALLIES builds up on the Artificial Intelligence Hub (AIHUB) collaborative framework created by CSIC to provide an excellence platform to pursue and fulfil the strategic agenda of CSIC in AI, in alignment with national and european strategies and policies. Indeed, one of the medium-term impacts and outcomes of ALLIES is to create a workflow of excellent researchers as future leaders in AI for the implementation of CSIC’s scientific challenges in AI, robotics & data science as well as the EC White Paper on Artificial Intelligence and other relevant national and European strategies and priorities. The programme will maximise the impact on the career perspectives of recruited fellows by integrating a holistic approach to training through a combination of research-oriented and soft skills, providing the recruited fellows with personal capacities and prospective career perspectives in the academic & non-academic sectors.
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Start date: 01-01-2024
End date: 31-12-2028
Total budget - Public funding: - 1 623 840,00 Euro
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ALLIES (“Artificial inteLLigence In sustainable dEvelopment goalS”) is a new excellent collaborative postdoctoral programme led by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and coordinated through the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) for the recruitment of 17 postdoctoral researchers to provide a new dimension through highly interdisciplinary & intersectoral research in the broad topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in alignment with the SDGs while maintaining the highest research quality standards. The programme includes the participation of 18 different CSIC research institutes expert in the fields of AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Robotics & Data Science as Implementing organisations recruiting fellows. In addition to offering a bottom-up approach for multidisciplinary research topics in one of the 8 AI challenges covered in CSIC’s AI White Paper, the programme provides a tailor-made training programme to educate tomorrow’s AI researchers & entrepreneurs in a broad set of scientific, transferable, and business skills. ALLIES builds up on the Artificial Intelligence Hub (AIHUB) collaborative framework created by CSIC to provide an excellence platform to pursue and fulfil the strategic agenda of CSIC in AI, in alignment with national and european strategies and policies. Indeed, one of the medium-term impacts and outcomes of ALLIES is to create a workflow of excellent researchers as future leaders in AI for the implementation of CSIC’s scientific challenges in AI, robotics & data science as well as the EC White Paper on Artificial Intelligence and other relevant national and European strategies and priorities. The programme will maximise the impact on the career perspectives of recruited fellows by integrating a holistic approach to training through a combination of research-oriented and soft skills, providing the recruited fellows with personal capacities and prospective career perspectives in the academic & non-academic sectors.



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