Spermotile | Sperm filtration for improved success rate of assisted reproduction technology

ERC starting grant 3D nanoMorph has achieved groundbreaking results that open an unprecedented opportunity for assisted reproduction technologies (ARTs). ARTs require selecting sperms with high fertilization potential - this is characterized by morphology, motility and kinematic parameters of sperms indicating their progressive motility. Current optical solutions for sperm selection can investigate only morphology, nature of motility and kinematics in terms of speed. Our groundbreaking solution enables studying the motion of sperm with unprecedented super-resolved details, which can be used to derive advanced kinematic features.
The ART market is growing at an annual rate of 7.8%. Our population is aging, people are planning families at later ages, and fertility is deteriorating due to occupational, environmental and lifestyle factors. Thus, it is becoming a societal challenge to maintain population growth. This PoC grant aims to take the next step in transforming my groundbreaking research into innovation of commercial and societal value.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101123485
Start date: 01-08-2023
End date: 31-01-2025
Total budget - Public funding: - 150 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

ERC starting grant 3D nanoMorph has achieved groundbreaking results that open an unprecedented opportunity for assisted reproduction technologies (ARTs). ARTs require selecting sperms with high fertilization potential - this is characterized by morphology, motility and kinematic parameters of sperms indicating their progressive motility. Current optical solutions for sperm selection can investigate only morphology, nature of motility and kinematics in terms of speed. Our groundbreaking solution enables studying the motion of sperm with unprecedented super-resolved details, which can be used to derive advanced kinematic features.
The ART market is growing at an annual rate of 7.8%. Our population is aging, people are planning families at later ages, and fertility is deteriorating due to occupational, environmental and lifestyle factors. Thus, it is becoming a societal challenge to maintain population growth. This PoC grant aims to take the next step in transforming my groundbreaking research into innovation of commercial and societal value.



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