This project seeks to develop the first micrometric-size Ultra-Efficient Wireless POwered Micro-robotic joint (UWIPOM2), enabling the creation of micro-robotic complex mechanisms for minimally invasive micro-surgery techniques and in-vivo health treatments. The foreseen robotic joint will contain a micro-motor connected to a new type of long-lasting gearbox which reduces drastically friction and simplifies assembly. Moreover, the robotic joint (motor + gear) will be wireless powered through gigahertz electromagnetic waves, thus providing infinite autonomy to any tool or micro-robot activated by UWIPOM2.
The scientific-technological aim is to create the first building block able to power future healthcare micro-robots. Test in in-vivo like environment will be done to demonstrate its feasibility. If the risky scientific and technological challenges hereby proposed are overcome, radically new outstanding minimally invasive micro-surgery techniques and new non-invasive inside body treatments will be enabled, saving thousands of lives.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/857654
Start date: 01-10-2019
End date: 30-06-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 2 987 118,75 Euro - 2 987 118,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

This project seeks to develop the first micrometric-size Ultra-Efficient Wireless POwered Micro-robotic joint (UWIPOM2), enabling the creation of micro-robotic complex mechanisms for minimally invasive micro-surgery techniques and in-vivo health treatments. The foreseen robotic joint will contain a micro-motor connected to a new type of long-lasting gearbox which reduces drastically friction and simplifies assembly. Moreover, the robotic joint (motor + gear) will be wireless powered through gigahertz electromagnetic waves, thus providing infinite autonomy to any tool or micro-robot activated by UWIPOM2.
The scientific-technological aim is to create the first building block able to power future healthcare micro-robots. Test in in-vivo like environment will be done to demonstrate its feasibility. If the risky scientific and technological challenges hereby proposed are overcome, radically new outstanding minimally invasive micro-surgery techniques and new non-invasive inside body treatments will be enabled, saving thousands of lives.



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