ElectroMed | Electrochemically-enabled high-throughput peptidomics for next-generation precision medicine

The uptake of proteomics for precision or personalised medicine applications requires the development of an effective screening instrument capable of detecting proteins at the low concentrations they are found in biological conditions while addressing their large chemical variability.
The ElectroMed project's objective is to build and validate a proof-of-concept prototype of a programmable high-throughput peptide microarray technology. It is based on the radical vision of integrating electrochemical synthesis of peptide bioreceptors to enable programmable in situ protein detection with nano-functionalised FinFET sensors for high-performance data acquisition within a microfluidic-driven multiplexed platform for parallel screening.
The project will undertake the research and innovation work required to 1) demonstrate multiplexed electrochemical peptide synthesis (EPS), 2) develop new FinFET sensors and 3) integrate EPS and the FinFET sensors in a single cost-effective prototype that we will validate in laboratory-relevant conditions.
The ElectroMed project will achieve a technology breakthrough of the first fully-programmable in situ protein screening instrument. This prototype small-size single instrument will come as a faster, cheaper, and more efficient technology than current protein screening instruments. The potential impact is to significantly ease and reduce the price of protein screening to trigger an uptake of protein detection in healthcare (our primary focus) as well as in the food sector (food authenticity and traceability, allergens, GMOs or toxins detection all along food the value chain), environmental remediation or defense (detection of biological warfare agents).
Electromed has also engaged to investigate COVID19 related peptide biomarkers and technology for the diagnosis of the infection and the relevant peptide protein iterations.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/862539
Start date: 01-01-2020
End date: 31-12-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 2 999 167,50 Euro - 2 999 167,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The uptake of proteomics for precision or personalised medicine applications requires the development of an effective screening instrument capable of detecting proteins at the low concentrations they are found in biological conditions while addressing their large chemical variability.
The ElectroMed project's objective is to build and validate a proof-of-concept prototype of a programmable high-throughput peptide microarray technology. It is based on the radical vision of integrating electrochemical synthesis of peptide bioreceptors to enable programmable in situ protein detection with nano-functionalised FinFET sensors for high-performance data acquisition within a microfluidic-driven multiplexed platform for parallel screening.
The project will undertake the research and innovation work required to 1) demonstrate multiplexed electrochemical peptide synthesis (EPS), 2) develop new FinFET sensors and 3) integrate EPS and the FinFET sensors in a single cost-effective prototype that we will validate in laboratory-relevant conditions.
The ElectroMed project will achieve a technology breakthrough of the first fully-programmable in situ protein screening instrument. This prototype small-size single instrument will come as a faster, cheaper, and more efficient technology than current protein screening instruments. The potential impact is to significantly ease and reduce the price of protein screening to trigger an uptake of protein detection in healthcare (our primary focus) as well as in the food sector (food authenticity and traceability, allergens, GMOs or toxins detection all along food the value chain), environmental remediation or defense (detection of biological warfare agents).
Electromed has also engaged to investigate COVID19 related peptide biomarkers and technology for the diagnosis of the infection and the relevant peptide protein iterations.



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