QuantERA | QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies

QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies
Quantum Technologies (QT) has become a new and fast developing area of research initiated by a realisation that quantum physics opens up radically new modes of quantum information processing and communication. European researchers have been at the forefront of these developments delivering many groundbreaking scientific results and advancing technological exploitation. The need to reinforce European excellence in QT and the highly interdisciplinary nature of QT call out for an integrated Europe-wide approach to support research efforts in this area.
The central objective of the QuantERA Programme involving 31 agencies is to launch a transnational Co-funded Call that will cover 26 countries. The planned budget of this funding opportunity amounts to 25 590 000 EUR of national contributions. It is expected that the EC will allocate an additional EUR 11.5 million to the Co-funded Call budget and other project tasks. Launching a Co-funded Call will be complemented by a range of additional activities aimed at stimulating cooperation within the research community, creating and maintaining links between academia and industry, building a toolkit on responsible research and innovation in QT, exchanging best practices, and engaging in a dialogue with policy makers about the design of future funding instruments. The QuantERA proposal conforms to the specific challenges and scope of the Work Programme Horizon 2020-Future and Emerging Technologies for 2016-2017 by providing a structured framework to coordinate national and regional research programmes in the QT. In accordance with the Work Programme, the scientific scope of the QuantERA Call will focus on new technologies facilitated by specific quantum phenomena such as superposition states, the no cloning rule, or entanglement to achieve new or radically enhanced functionalities.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/731473
Start date: 01-11-2016
End date: 31-10-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 39 815 995,80 Euro - 11 510 008,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies
Quantum Technologies (QT) has become a new and fast developing area of research initiated by a realisation that quantum physics opens up radically new modes of quantum information processing and communication. European researchers have been at the forefront of these developments delivering many groundbreaking scientific results and advancing technological exploitation. The need to reinforce European excellence in QT and the highly interdisciplinary nature of QT call out for an integrated Europe-wide approach to support research efforts in this area.
The central objective of the QuantERA Programme involving 31 agencies is to launch a transnational Co-funded Call that will cover 26 countries. The planned budget of this funding opportunity amounts to 25 590 000 EUR of national contributions. It is expected that the EC will allocate an additional EUR 11.5 million to the Co-funded Call budget and other project tasks. Launching a Co-funded Call will be complemented by a range of additional activities aimed at stimulating cooperation within the research community, creating and maintaining links between academia and industry, building a toolkit on responsible research and innovation in QT, exchanging best practices, and engaging in a dialogue with policy makers about the design of future funding instruments. The QuantERA proposal conforms to the specific challenges and scope of the Work Programme Horizon 2020-Future and Emerging Technologies for 2016-2017 by providing a structured framework to coordinate national and regional research programmes in the QT. In accordance with the Work Programme, the scientific scope of the QuantERA Call will focus on new technologies facilitated by specific quantum phenomena such as superposition states, the no cloning rule, or entanglement to achieve new or radically enhanced functionalities.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.2. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
H2020-EU.1.2.2. FET Proactive
FETPROACT-03-2016 FET ERANET Cofund in Quantum Technologies