QuanTELCO | Quantum Emitters for Telecommunication in the O-Band

Quantum communication is a transformative technology that can address our society’s need for secure communication and form the backbone for networks of quantum computers. Despite recent successes in the deployment of secure quantum cryptographic keys, the unavailability of telecom-wavelength repeaters operating at the quantum level presents a major bottleneck towards a global-scale quantum communication network.
QuanTELCO will overcome this bottleneck by employing a radically transformative approach based on telecom-wavelength spin centres in silicon carbide, recently discovered by our consortium. These centres uniquely possess strong optical transitions in the telecom O-band (1260-1360 nm), in a material widely used by the micro-electronics industry. QuanTELCO will exploit a mature material platform (silicon carbide), fully compatible with standard industrial micro-electronic fabrication processes. The quantum emitters employed in QuanTELCO have optical cross sections that are orders of magnitude greater than many currently leading candidates. Their emission wavelength allows direct, low-loss propagation in existing telecom networks without the detrimental losses caused by wavelength conversion. These emitters host electronic and nuclear spins which can act as memories in quantum repeater nodes. QuanTELCO will leverage these properties to demonstrate all key elements of quantum networking. We will furthermore perform preparatory tests on existing, international telecom structure and will benchmark the spin-photon entanglement across urban-scale fibre links.
QuanTELCO will distil the project results to deliver a roadmap for commercial deployment based on real-world, actionable insight.
This platform will provide the breakthrough required for the creation of robust, transcontinental quantum information links, compatible with existing infrastructure, thereby ushering in the era of physically secure encryption and networked quantum computation across Europe.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/862721
Start date: 01-10-2019
End date: 30-09-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 2 990 576,25 Euro - 2 990 576,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Quantum communication is a transformative technology that can address our society’s need for secure communication and form the backbone for networks of quantum computers. Despite recent successes in the deployment of secure quantum cryptographic keys, the unavailability of telecom-wavelength repeaters operating at the quantum level presents a major bottleneck towards a global-scale quantum communication network.
QuanTELCO will overcome this bottleneck by employing a radically transformative approach based on telecom-wavelength spin centres in silicon carbide, recently discovered by our consortium. These centres uniquely possess strong optical transitions in the telecom O-band (1260-1360 nm), in a material widely used by the micro-electronics industry. QuanTELCO will exploit a mature material platform (silicon carbide), fully compatible with standard industrial micro-electronic fabrication processes. The quantum emitters employed in QuanTELCO have optical cross sections that are orders of magnitude greater than many currently leading candidates. Their emission wavelength allows direct, low-loss propagation in existing telecom networks without the detrimental losses caused by wavelength conversion. These emitters host electronic and nuclear spins which can act as memories in quantum repeater nodes. QuanTELCO will leverage these properties to demonstrate all key elements of quantum networking. We will furthermore perform preparatory tests on existing, international telecom structure and will benchmark the spin-photon entanglement across urban-scale fibre links.
QuanTELCO will distil the project results to deliver a roadmap for commercial deployment based on real-world, actionable insight.
This platform will provide the breakthrough required for the creation of robust, transcontinental quantum information links, compatible with existing infrastructure, thereby ushering in the era of physically secure encryption and networked quantum computation across Europe.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.2. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
H2020-EU.1.2.1. FET Open
FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020 FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking